Zep Citrus and Pro Window cleaner are the 2 I use all the time. Love them can be picked up locally and are not wallett breakers. Thanks Richy for tellin me about Citrus
Does your HD sell the Pro Window Cleaner? I cannot seem to find the "PRO" on the website for my area.
They should have it. The PRO part is not heavily advertised. They have 2 versions of glass cleaner...you want the green one. Check the label; it will say to dilute 32:1.
I think im a little late on this, but I like the Citrus degreaser, I think it works pretty great at a good value to, As long as I see it for the same price ill use it for sure.
this thread is good. I was wanting to pick up the Zep Citrus Degreaser as well for a while . . . . . even went down one day to grab it until i read that it wasn't safe for paint or carpets . . . . something along those lines so i tossed it back on the shelf and left the store LoL. Might have to go back and get some to try out though. Running low on Megs Apc. Is this stuff safe on interiors like carpets, vinyl, plastic and even leather?
billyblooshoes uses it at 10:1 with no ill side effects on what he is cleaning. I would PM him or Richy..
Carpets, yes. For vinyl and plastic I use the Zep Glass cleaner. Leather you could but at a very reduced strength.
I just picked up a gallon today of citrus along with two of the Zep spray bottles. I think I am going to have one at 4:1 and one at 10:1 though I am waiting on input from Richy if that is a good idea. I also found out that HD sells the spraymaster sprayers that are grey and guarantee to last 5 years, thats insane. I guess you get what you pay for considering they are 6 dollars.
That's what I do and it works well. Some have reported that they mix it a bit stronger for the dash and whatnot but I've got enough damned spray bottles already. I don't want another one.
So for the citrus degreaser its 4:1 for the tires, 32:1 for the windows/glass, and 10:1 for interior vinyls/carpets/leather? Should I still pick up the green window, or carpet cleaner? Thanks!
Thanks for clearing that up for him. Yes, you should still try the glass cleaner..it's great stuff. If you don't have a carpet cleaner then try the High Traffic as well. Can't go wrong with their low prices.
I cleaned the wheels on my car today using Zep citrus 5:1, Meguiars APC 4:1, Chemical Guys Sticky Wheel Gel, and Diablo 4:1. Only agitation was from a SV wheel face brush. After rinsing I thought that the Zep cleaned better than the Megs and Sticky Wheel Gel, it was a nice surprise. All wheels were allowed to have thier respectable cleanr dwell for the same time, and the same amount (sprays) were applied to each.
Now the only thing about Zep citrus is what wheels is it safe on? Only factory cleared or can it be used at 5:1 on every type of wheel. I would love to find something fairly strong, but safe on EVERYTHING for at least a minute. I take my time scrubbing slowly lol.. As for the rest of the line. Over the next week I plan on getting the Heavy Traffic cleaner and glass cleaner and posting some reviews on that.
That is a very good question about what it is safe on. I would think that if it is safe on paint at 5:1 and you didn't let it sit on the wheel for more than just a few min and rinsed well when finished there shouldn't be a problem. Hopefully towgt will give us some insight on this matter.
I have used it as strong as 4:1 on paint (rockers, wheel wells, etc) without any issues. I used that same dilution ratio on a nasty door panel (new mustangs) without major issues. I made sure I rinsed the area good and it turned out perfect.