zaino has some decent stuff...i am a fan of their two qd's, their carwash soap reminds me of duragloss, and their tire/rubber stuff is actually one of my faves...just pricey thats all...the zaino line has its merits...for a long time i was an avid zaino user...on lighter colors the "glossy" look that zaino has works very no means did the zaino line ever disappoint me...i think it is great for keeping up the look of a well prepped/maintained vehicle...but lacks the ability to really correct a neglected vehicle...
I'm not a sponsor, but I've made a few compounds: 80/20 yellow/white 44% carnauba content 47% white carnauba content 57% white carnauba content 68% white carnauba content 76% white carnauba content and an 81% white carnauba content. I'm mainly a start up, but only employing yourself with a huge background in chemical engineering, makes things easy to make a concours product affordable, sorry... this is not meant as an advertisement just an answer to your question.
...but besides bragging rights what does this do for a finish at the end of the day. I mean ...I am not challenging you or anything...just curious. I just want to see why you made the claim that your product is better than Zymols. I am not saying Zymol is the best (haha sorry Calgary), but I constantly hear how one is better than the other. Carnuba content aside, what does this wax do for the finish, that is better than what Zymol can/does for a finish?
I was asked this question earlier. Do a search on me for the homebrew concours wax thread. I'm new to the forum so it won't be tough to find. But I was asked a lot of the same questions, you'll find your answers there. I hope thats cool with you, I've answered that question so many times, and it's not a short answer
you'd be surprised how many products are truly hydrophobic. Usually anything containing polymeres from the Methyl Group within their structure will be quite hydrophobic. Hydrophobia has 4 actual phases, most of you are accustomed to beading, but the actual sheeting/repeling aspect is even more severe, and quite frankly a lot cooler . Most Carnauba waxes are hydrophobic by nature to an extent of beading, but most manufacturers including myself and zymol etc, use some variation of a carbene methalyd polymere to enact the repellance. Sealants use various siloxanes, and other polymeres spouting from the Methyl group. Edit: are my posts disapearing or am i getting editted by a mod?
Now if you actually knew the composition of whats in zaino, you would be surprised, that it doesnt live up to a lot of its marketed claims. It's a good sealant, just not sure why they bill it up to do things it cannot. I guess thats business.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- im curious about this wax,.which waxes has it been compared to? have it been comapred to vintage, royal, or divine? Also its not the carnuba content so much as the oils in the wax that make it look the way it does. I will not naysay you comments untilll i habe tried tou wax, however id ont plan on spending over 200 bucks in blind faith.. sorry i have enough wax already,... _________________
Compounds are quite similar, although you are half correct. The oils, such as montan wax(oil), coconut oil etc etc aid more in the buffing process, and less in the actual overall shine (depth, warmth, jetting etc) package. I have only used my 68% as a comparison, since it is the only compound that is actively been sold. In Comparison to Vintage, a professional detailer would see very similar likelinesses, with the exception of the hydrophobicity of my wax, being slightly stronger due to a higher carbene content. Like most white carnaubas, they are smooth as silk, but cure to be as hard as concrete. In Comparison to Royale, one would be hard pressed to see much of a difference.
I know you I was linked to you buy a friend of mine Todd from Mass. He got a sample size of your wax for his GTO. He liked I hope to check it out someday.
As far as $200 on blind faith, I'd love to be able to just hand out samples, but unfortunately I take to much pride in my work to justify that. I could definitely post pictures of vehicles detailed with it, but I do not want to overstep my boundries due to not being a selling sponsor. I will let you know, I have a few lesser compounds almost ready for distribution. If you like formula 1, then you'll love 2, then 3 and so on I'd like to get my hands on some zymol solaris, as I have a working 81% compound as well, I'd love to compare it to.
im not saying free samples, its just right now the reviews arenot out. I have read through the orifnal threadon that other forum. Before i spend the money on anohter waxi wan to read a few revies.. having vintage now i am very pickey as to what new waxes I buy.... have you thought of comparing to to a wax at a similar price point such as zymol concours, sw concourso, ot even vw concours?
yes, but that would be shooting fish in a barrel. Actually it has a good bit of independant reviews, but not on this site, if you go over on to a certain pontiac gto website, which is where this all started, you'll find a good bit of information there. I mean, if you want to make you feel better I can charge you $2000 so you can compare it to Vintage But I'm not into price gouging.