Your favorite spray wax?

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by Chaseme, Sep 10, 2011.

  1. GDAL

    GDAL Super Moderator

    These are spray on sealants, but spray on anyways ... lol

    OCW (When humidity isn't an issue)
    DG Aquawax

    IOMCAMARO DB Forum Supporter

    If you want to do a wash and wax for $50 and want something with durability, I'd definitely suggest Optimum Opti-Seal. 8 oz. can do up to 40 cars. A little goes so far with this product and the durability is 2-4 months. I feel that it is easier than a spray wax because it doesn't have to be buffed off. It is a WOWA (wax on walk away) sealant.
  3. lasthope05

    lasthope05 Jedi Nuba

    How is your environment like because for me in the northeast I easily get 3-4 weeks of durability with AW on a bare panel. I tested it along side with Poorboys natty's red, blue and souveran and they all died our around the same time.

    I love OCW and AJT for qd type spray lsps. Easy to use and gives months of durability.
  4. lasthope05

    lasthope05 Jedi Nuba

  5. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    I like Hydro but costs drove me into the bottle of Optimum Spray wax. Opti Opti Seal and ReLoad are great, OOS is more user friendly to me as I never had any streaking from it like I have had from ReLoad
  6. rfinkle2

    rfinkle2 DB Forum Supporter

    Username Dogma swears by Hydro, and I like it as well.

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