Would you let this guy near your car>

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by Paint Protection Orlando, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    If that blue brush of his touches my roof, I'd put that bucket with soap on his head, take that wheel brush and beat the crap out of that bucket...
  2. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Can you further elaborate on this illegal clay? I noticed it stretched like crazy too, looks like silly putty.
  3. Strs90

    Strs90 Birth of a Detailer

    That guy reminds me of Will Castro...

    The only thing I learned from this video is that I need to start wearing a headband when I wash my car... that is brilliant... keeps the hair gel out of his eyes.
  4. Grey Ghost

    Grey Ghost Jedi Nuba

  5. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

  6. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

  7. Brent

    Brent Birth of a Detailer

    Auto Magic holds the patent on detailing clay so any clay sold in the US and Japan is made by the company Automagic outsource their clay manufacturing to in Japan. A lot of companies sell clay but it all comes from Auto Magic if you by it in the US. Several years ago there was atleast one other company (I guess more) that made a competitive type of clay. It was much more elastic (you could easily stretch it) and did a much better job claying a car. Auto Magic felt this elastic clay infringed on their patent so they sued the snot out of everyone trying to make clay. Those companies making the elastic clay tried to say their product was different enough that it didn't infringe on Auto Magic's patent. They lost the lawsuit and now they can only sell their elastic clay where US Patent laws are not regcognized (the US and Japan).

    The clay this guy is using in the video I posted looks incredibly like the elastic clay hence my wondering how he is able to sell it in the US.
  8. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    It's not illegal to use it in the US. You can buy it elsewhere, bring it back and use it here. You just cannot sell it here.

    But it's not like you'll be arrested by the clay police when they find you using it!

  9. Brent

    Brent Birth of a Detailer

    I realize it is legal to use but he refers to the clay as Forumla 113 Elastic Clay which leave the impression that he is selling it. Nothing on his site gives any indication that he will not ship it in the US like Chris does with Riccardo Clay.
  10. RDAVEX7

    RDAVEX7 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    What kills me the most about this guy is the usless info he is giving to unsuspecting people who dont know they would be better buying otc and all the while he is thriving. I went to his website and if I remember correctly he is going global. WTF!! How does he do it? High dollar marketing? Lots of event exposure?

    This guy is a complete clown all the way from his head band to his tube socks.

    Im sure his wax would fill the grand canyon and thats what he is profiting from, people who dont know the difference between polish and wax. The number one question I get is "what wax will remove my scratches" and I explain the difference between compounding, polishing, and waxing.

    I wonder how many people have actually taken a garden hose to their cars.
  11. Bear Valley

    Bear Valley Virgin Detailer

    Wholly Mackerel!!

    Those were way worse than I imagined that they ever could be! YIKES!
  12. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Has anybody gotten a hold of this kind of clay in the U.S.? I'd like to give it a try.
  13. choopy

    choopy Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    wow, that was really awkward to watch...
  14. Purplewidow

    Purplewidow Obsessive Detailer

    just fyi i can stretch SV clay like that too.. i don't know.. how come we can get sv clay here and not riccardo?
  15. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    That would be a big no thank you...You've got to be kidding me...:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:

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