Who uses Scholl Concepts Polishes

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by Danny, Oct 12, 2011.

  1. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    I have an idea of what I want to purchase and I put a cart together on the Scholl site. I even made an account to see what shipping was going to run me when I decide to make the purchase, to get it to area code 79925 here in Texas. But the site never gave me any shipping options or the ability to place the order... so I am stuck on how I can even get the products to the U.S. I also know its going to be pricey to ship if its possible to even get them to me:(
  2. LostHighway

    LostHighway Jedi Nuba

    I looked at Shinearama's site and it looks like you have to use their contact form rather than the shopping cart for orders outside the U.K.. If you decide to go ahead with this you might want to see if other people are interested in going in on the order. I know I might bite, at least for some S40. It would obviously mean more hassle for you dealing with payment and shipping in the U.S. but it would help to defray the international shipping costs. You should also check with Shinearama about the VAT. It seems like you should be able to get the ex-VAT prices. Whether or not you'll get hit with U.S. customs duties or other charges at this end is another question. Maybe cu2mike can shed some light on this.
    Anyway, thanks for getting this thread going as I've been curious about the Scholl Concepts polishes and compounds.
  3. cu2mike

    cu2mike DB Forum Supporter

    1. I did not have to fill out any kind of contact form prior to placing my order.
    2. VAT = Tax, so you would get the non VAT pricing
    3. I also did not get hit with a U.S. Custom's duty charge (FedEx sent me a bill in the amount of 0), my family owns a couple of freight forwarders/Custom brokers internationally, they told me it may be because these products are "duty free"
  4. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Scholl products are NON VOC compliant so Scholl will probably not sell to you directly. You will have to use one of their resellers. When we brought a bunch in last year, we went through Ketil (Pirex on this forum ) at Scandicshine.
  5. cu2mike

    cu2mike DB Forum Supporter

    I've always wondered if it's possible that a shipment containing Scholl's will get rejected @ the Custom's. Any thoughts?
  6. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    Oh ok thanks for clearing that for me Ken:) I PMed Phil last night about this to see if maybe he might be able to help me out.
  7. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I very much doubt it.

    Just order it from one of the online stores that carry it. The shipping on heavy items from overseas can be pricey though. When we brought ours in, shipping was $11 per litre bottle!
  8. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    I doubt it would ever get siezed, DHS and USC, do not have the time to be worrying about Car products, unless they say a dog senses something they have bigger fish to fry.........
  9. kaisernaut

    kaisernaut DB Forum Supporter

  10. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    Man that is pricey but I am sure they are worth it:)

    Well thats good to hear man:)

    Thanks for the link Cnut also told me about it earlier that is most likely where I will order them from if they ship to the U.S. I am awaiting their reply. But I am going to wait on placing the order because I am going to try and get a Festool Shinex soon.
  11. cu2mike

    cu2mike DB Forum Supporter

    I'm curious if shipping is cheaper? Please let me know if and when you order from them, thanks!
  12. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    Will do man:)
  13. richguy66

    richguy66 DB Forum Supporter

    I was thinking about picking up a few Scholl items from Spautopia. If I do purchase stuff, anyone interested in hopping in if I do go through with it? I plan on ordering it in a week or so if I do decide.
  14. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Many places bow sell it in the UK. Try elite car care. They have a sample pack, 250g bottle trio for sale. You can get most of there polish and pad line from them.

    Sent from my HERO200 using Tapatalk
  15. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    If its interesting, we could do a groupebuy on Scholl Products..
  16. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    What are we looking at here price wise and product wise (sizes/polishes). As well as shipping to the U.S. ?:)

    Sent from my HTC EVO using Tapatalk
  17. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Depending on price I maybe interested lil hard now with Christmas and 4 kids but I really do want some Scholl polishes
  18. Atlas

    Atlas Birth of a Detailer

    I'd be in also if we could get that together.
  19. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    Elite does have a good price on the scholls kit it comes with S3 gold, S17+, and S40 I checked to see how much it would run to get them to me its only $67 shipped petty good price I would say

    Sent from my HTC EVO using Tapatalk
  20. cnut

    cnut DB Forum Supporter

    That's a pretty good price for the polishes you would use the most.

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