What's Your Screen Name Mean?

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Dust2Glory, Dec 18, 2008.

  1. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    :lol: you shoulda stuck to the titty bars story :D
  2. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Yeah, titty bar story is more interesting than a trail blazer, :p:
  3. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    :shead: While I can Figure most users names out, there are 3 that have Me Stumped..:help:

  4. Tire Shredder

    Tire Shredder Jedi Nuba

    just a juvenile AIM name I made when I was 13 to chat with people on car boards. Turns out that later in life, I would have a propensity to damage rear tires. I dislike it very much, but I've had it for so long, it's hard to change.
  5. RNickolas

    RNickolas Obsessive Detailer

    I used to own a black 2003 mach1 that i always had in the shop for different things.
    so just like the movie black hawk down i just changed hawk to mach
    kinda stuck
  6. corrswitch

    corrswitch Jedi Nuba

    corrs for the band named corrs.
    Or I could be tough and say its based on the beer :)

    witch because I used to date a real witch

    therefore corrswitch and it stuck with me.
  7. Solidsnake

    Solidsnake Jedi Nuba

    Solid Snake - Protagonist from Metal Gear Solid series... I know its a little childish but I used it a lot when I was young, so now its kind of natural for me to just reuse it... But if you want to look at it another way it means I have a Solid Snake.
  8. cnut

    cnut Guest

    My last name is Chestnut so when I came to college my friends started calling me cnut. I've used cnut334 also. The 334 being the area code where i'm from.
  9. Solidsnake

    Solidsnake Jedi Nuba

    Sooo... What does this name "911fanatic" mean exactly? I am confused.
  10. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    ^^^^^^^September 11th 2001
  11. Solidsnake

    Solidsnake Jedi Nuba

    Oh true true makes sense... Well I'm not a fan of September 11 because that was a sad day in history, so I don't understand how one can be a fan of a day which consisted of grief, sorrow, sacrifice and terrorism. Geesh man... :shakehead:
  12. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    FOR REAL?!?

    Dude porsche 911 maybe? come on now!!!!!
  13. Ch40t1c

    Ch40t1c Obsessive Detailer

    Mine is "leet" speak for Chaotic, old old username on a few online games back in the day, kept using it as my screen name for...everything.
  14. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    I hope you know he is kidding, it is because is he uber crazy for Porsche 911s. Or maybe you do get it and I just didnt pick up on it, ha.:doh:
  15. Solidsnake

    Solidsnake Jedi Nuba

    Uhm.. I guess this is where I do uh.. </sarcasm> ? :shrug:
  16. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    oh................................. whoops
  17. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing


    Hmm, yeah internet not good to convey sarcasm haha.
  18. Solidsnake

    Solidsnake Jedi Nuba

    Lol yeah.. I always end up learning things the hard way.
  19. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    HAHA no harm no foul!
  20. Solidsnake

    Solidsnake Jedi Nuba

    I just hope 911Fanatic isn't thinking "Wow what a tool, he needs to get out more, I'm not even going to post on the same thread, waste of my time."

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