Weird: Ultima beat zaino bros

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by ahwil_lim, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. bairdwc

    bairdwc Guest

    I know this is an old post but I used Ultima Guard Plus this weekend. My car had 6 coats of Zaino Z-2 followed by Zymol wax. It was amazing. Just for grins I added a light coat of Ultima and I swear it dulled the finish. My thoughts are I may need to strip the car down again and start from scratch. It's a pristine '05 CLK500 that's silver.
  2. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

    all sealants are the same to me, so id be choosing based on ease of use

    i was a huge zaino user when i had my silver alfa almost 7 years ago now, but the whole mixing ZF-X thing is archaic nowadays

    Z-CS pretty much makes having to layer Z2 obsolete imo

    ive been layering my new ti exhaust (off the car) with BF WD and cant believe how easy it wipes on/off

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