washing mf towels

Discussion in 'Tools - Machine Polishers, Pressure Washers, Detai' started by cleanfiend, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Use a measuring cup or a bottle that micro-restore uses. That is what I use for my CG wash, put CG wash in there squeeze the bottle to the 1oz mark and pour. :) OR just get a cheap measuring cup/spoon or those cups that come with meds that are 1oz. (1/8cup = 1oz)
  2. Bunky

    Bunky Guest

    I have some cheap 1oz measuring cups and I just put them upside over the cap to keep them with the bottle. Yea, the cap gets a little messy if you do not wipe out the cap. I have caps over other products too (soap, APC).

    I have compared the label directions (like use 1 oz or 2 capfulls) and the cap method never seems to measure the same as the actual. It may be close enough but I just like to be more precise. It helps minimize waste, etc.
  3. Follmer

    Follmer Birth of a Detailer

    I need to boil some of mine as they are a bit dirty lol.
  4. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    Am I the only one that uses a shot glass for measuring my mf detergent? My gallon of microrestore did not come with a measuring cap.
  5. mongrelcat

    mongrelcat Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Just wanted to followup and thank Cooter and krshultz for their recommendation on Charlie's soap. It's all I use now, great stuff. I couldn't find the liquid, so I used the powder, and I'm glad I did as it works fine and is very economical. 2.6lbs = 80 loads =$10 at Whole Foods.

    With really tough MF's I soak in Dawn, then do a wash in OPC, then a final wash with Charlie's with an extra rinse cycle. For normal MFs just Charlie's plus an extra rinse is enough.
  6. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    Glad you liked it! I'm very happy with it too. Give your towels another few washings and they'll get even softer. The Charlie's Soap website talks about this with clothing - that it may take a couple washings to completely remove the old chemical residues. Last time I did a load of towels in CS, the difference wasn't subtle, it was huge. I'm also washing my clothing in it now.

    I'm also a fan of the dryer balls Ankeet turned me on to.
  7. edwinbong

    edwinbong DB Forum Supporter

    x2... same here. but its more of a shot glass for nutritionals rather than a normal shot glass...i have other uses for those!

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