VAG Guys....Help!

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by billyblooshoes, Oct 7, 2009.

  1. michakaveli

    michakaveli Welcome to Detailing

    There has to be a way for you to swap out your OEM parts for some if not all the modded parts. Most stealers would rather have the cars as close to OEM as possible.

    Even though it's tempting. You don't know the overall health of the car, with that said, it's only 36k on the clock, which isn't a lot nowadays.... IF anything, see if you could swap the swaybars :)
  2. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru

    Dude trade over the parts from your car to that one... you know how yours has been maintained... steal the goodies off that one and enjoy FREE mods...
  3. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    How long have you been paying on your current car? How long is the loan for the new car you are looking at? Would it really be worth it to almost start over with payments, especially after not paying interest for whatever the period of time has been. Besides yourself, what will that car be doing for you?? Will it help you detail better? Get better grades is school if you are in school? You already have a hot girl so you don't need to be pulling chicks.

    Why don't you take that 75 dollars and invest in more detailing stuff and start making more money if that is possible and starting saving some of it and then slowly mod your car.
  4. DaveS4

    DaveS4 Jedi Nuba

    I say keep your car and mod when you're ready...I'd be hard-pressed to trust another already-modified car...My S4 was bone stock when I bought it and I'm glad I bought it that never know what that yokel could have done to the car in 36k miles...
  5. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    billy ... if I was you I would hold on to yours until you get the RS4. I went thru the car mod phase ... and you know what I drive now. It's a waste of money ... keep yours put an exhaust, tune, intake, and maybe rims (LM replicas with red caps ... lol). I know it's really tempting, but think about the car you REALLY want!!
  6. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    hey guys. thanks a lot for all of the responses. but here's the deal. the reason why im seriously considering this is because i DO NOT have the money to mod my car right now, at all. nor do i see myself having the thousands to play around with to mod my car within the next year or so. so keeping my car and modding my own car right now is out of the question. the other thing is, basically everything this car has done to it, is what i would do to my car if i had the money. i wont really be starting over with payments, as they are placing my cars value at around 20K, and since i work for them, they are willing to lower their asking price for the APR car to 20K to exactly match mine so it would be an even trade. the only difference is the new loan with be at 5.99 percent interest instead of the Zero i have now. the previous owner used to work for my work as well, and multiple techs and others who work there assure me the car is in tip top shape, runs great, and was treated right. as far as putting more money into my detailing side work, well, i already have more than i need to accomplish any kind of detail work, and i always have a little set aside to replenish my stuff if necessary. plus, with me working six days a week now, i dont have much time for side work except for sundays, so my side work is basically on the back-burner anways, especially now with the fall and winter months creeping up. getting this car would fast track multiples of years it would take me to wait and save the money to make my car a stage 2 or 3 car essentially. the way i see it, if i get the car, once i decide to sell it, i could also part out all of the mods, and make money on those as well. i'll be honest, i really want this car. i test drove it today for a good 15 minutes on both highway and back road twisties, and i fell in love with it.
  7. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    Unless you're a VW expert yourself, take that car somewhere and have a professional, who is familiar with those cars AND those modifications, look over it thoroughly.

    I once had an Audi S4 that I fell in love with a few years ago. It was very, very heavily modified, and ridiculously fast. It had all the "right parts" on it. But the methods by which a lot of them were installed were all wrong. Misrouted oil lines for the K04 turbos that were on it. The wrong software for the K04s; it had APR K03 software on it, and I had to upgrade it with GIAC software, at considerable expense. There was stuff in the engine that was damaged in the process of installing stuff. Nothing was a disaster, but as you know, these cars can be on the expensive side to fix. I had to have my guy undo, and redo, a lot of stuff.

    I bought it because I test drove it and fell in love with the seductive growl of a twin turbo V6 making who knows how much horsepower. Bought it the next day. I didn't know ANYTHING about S4s, and didn't get it checked out, and I suffered dearly for it.
  8. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    i appreciate your input very much, and please do not take this the wrong way or take offense to this, but this will not be my first go-around with modified VAG cars. the place i work at is a VW/Aud/Porsche dealership, and a handful of the techs there (and the ones who checked out the APR car) are VAG heads themselves who own heavily modified audis/vw's. they, as well as myself, are pretty well "versed" in VAG cars and mods. they have given the car their blessing, and say that its well put together, nothing is botched up as far as the installations and parts, and that it runs great. of course, if they werent so sure about it, i wouldnt even consider it at all, since its already pretty heavily modded.
  9. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    tried this, but its out of the question at this point. that was the original offer from my boss, but now they dont want to part it out.
  10. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    OK, that's good to hear. That's why I started the post with "unless you're a VW expert yourself." :)
  11. d00t

    d00t Welcome to Detailing

    I wouldn't do it. My first two cars were pretty modified. Worst nightmares of my life. Bought my car brand new and the peace of mind was worth every penny.
  12. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    just do it!
  13. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    x2 :support:
  14. CG SoCal

    CG SoCal Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I respectfully disagree. It is TOTALLY up to the dealer!

    While this bank may control that particular loan there may be other banks with lower interest rates; thereby lowering your payments. The dealer should help you to get the very BEST interest rates. Once they help you find the BEST rate, they have an even BIGGER lever to pull on to make the payments lower and that's the selling price. So you see, they have the opportunity to make this work in your benefit as there is typically quite a bit of profit when they take a trade in.

    That said, I think you should highly consider the parts swap, especially if the installation labor is included or DIY, that way you have your 0% financing as well as you get to pick what mods you want on your own car. Besides the dealer knows they can sell the un-modded car easier than a heavily modded one as it will appeal to only a select group of buyers.

    The trick is, not to get too emotionally attached to this one as you have more control of the price and terms than you may think, especially if you help your employer complete the transaction quickly.

    ... remain respectful, but be firm in your negotiations. They will admire you for being smart about this opportunity.

    Good Luck and let us know how it works out.
  15. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    Billy ...

    You might want to check a credit union around the area. I was able to get a great APR (better than 5.9%) for the Highlander when I bought it at Car Sense. The credit union name is "Citadel" and I wasn't a member.

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