Tragic loss

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by mrgolfrider, Jun 9, 2010.

  1. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    That is terrible news. I can't even begin to understand why someone would leave their family (especially with kids) like that. It most definitely does not make anything easier, or solve any problems. So sad that anyone resorts to taking their own life.

    Sorry to hear this, and will keep you and yours in prayer.
  2. KenB

    KenB DB Forum Supporter

    That's really sad. So sorry for your loss. We'll add your family to our prayers.

  3. richy

    richy Guest

    Matt..I am very saddened to hear of your loss. I can't imagine the emotions his family is experiencing right now. Those poor father any longer. Your advice about manning up and not being afraid to talk about it is spot on...that's all it is...fear. My prayers are with your whole family.
  4. dankfanatic

    dankfanatic Guest

    damn Matt, so sorry to hear that. my condolences to you and your family.
  5. Emile

    Emile Welcome to Detailing

    My condolences.

    How did he take his own life?
  6. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Sorry to hear that :(

    From personal experience I know it is a shock to the system and many emotion from sadness to anger but just remember that you and everyone affected also have to talk and not keep things in.
  7. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Sorry for your loss Matt. I couldn't imagine things being bad enough to leave my kids and wife alone. Good luck with everything.
  8. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    my deepest condolences...
  9. nothelle

    nothelle Birth of a Detailer

    My condolences... just be there for each other through this difficult time and hope your family can overcome this
  10. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    I wish I could thank everyone in person for all the kind words, your prayers are helping and just knowing that you took those few seconds out of your day to think of someone besides your family means alot.

    It will be a very long road ahead of my sister n law and the four girls, but we are commited to be there for them and give them anything they need. They cannot lose sight that there are many many people that care very much for them.
  11. Rennes

    Rennes Jedi Nuba

    You know, at first, I thought to write how deeply sorry and sad it must be ... then I read that comment.

    I am sorry, but I have to admit that, people that do that, they are mentally "gone". They can't "man up". My father was the greatest person and I always repected him for what he was. When he decided to do it, we were all in shock and discovered that probably nothing could be done.

    I understand what you are saying or the message your are trying to pass. The thing is, everyone is different.

    I'm sory if my message has upset anyone here.

  12. Rennes

    Rennes Jedi Nuba

    spare the details ... why would you need to know that? :shrug:
  13. impakt

    impakt DB Forum Supporter

    My deepest sorrows.
  14. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    My condolences to you and to your family. Cant imagine what his family is going through.
    maybe would sound like asshole but it was very irresponsible for him to do that, leaving wife and kids like this and taking easy way out is not a man kind of way if you know what i mean
  15. MuttGrunt

    MuttGrunt Birth of a Detailer

    Very sad situation. My thoughts are with your and your entire extended family - may this tough time pass quickly
  16. ps3king

    ps3king Jedi Nuba

    my apologies and my condolonces. Our prayers are with him.
  17. greased

    greased Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Yea, you sound like an asshole... If you think that people who attempt suicide are doing so because its the easy way out of a situation, then maybe you probably havent had any experience with this situation. The mentality that contemplates the 'easy way out', is not the same mentality that attempts suicide. You cant even begin to understand that unless youve considered it yourself... Someone who attempts suicide truely believes that they have nothing to offer the world. Its a feeling that hits you so deep in your soul, that you are truly convinced its the smartest and often, most caring choice.

    Deepest sympathies to the family. I hope they dont try to understand it, and try their best to remember all the good he brought into the world, like his 4 sons and daughters. There is always a positive side to things, and this is the time to look at it.
  18. greased

    greased Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Well said. A person who can 'man up' isnt the same person that will get to this depressed state in the first place. Sympathies as well, as it seems you also have personal experience with this.
  19. advs1

    advs1 DB Forum Supporter

    so sorry for the family members that are left alone. just try and assure the kids he didnt do it because of anything they did. i know some kids blame themselves, thinking if they had done something different it would have made a difference. truth is, short of professional help, i doubt any one could have been anything more than a temp fix.
  20. bjungx007

    bjungx007 Birth of a Detailer

    My condolences to his family. So sorry brotha.

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