Things are getting out of line here!!

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by Nica, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    very well said Richy!
  2. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    I hate it when I see this Thread come back around.....I also get that punched in the gut feeling. :thud:

    I'm sure I have offended someone in the short time I've been here and if I have please except My Sincere Apology along with a Dozen >>>:flowers: :giggle:

    I know I Probally Joke around to much, My Wife says I act like a 12 year old(can't imagine why >>>:p: :kiss: :yikes: :giggle:)

    But when it comes time to be Serious, I'm all about My Business like an Insurance Adjuster :hmph:

    I like to come on here to unwind with like minded folks, I certainaly would never do anything Intentionally to hurt this Site.

    :sorry: you have to go thru this part of it Carlos

  3. Nica

    Nica Banned

    I agree richy, the forum is shifting...yet again, looks like people are forgetting why we are here, I'll pul the plug before I let Detailing Bliss turn to a bashing forum. I wouldn't want it to come to that but if that is what I feel is best for the forum and community then so be it.

    Having said that richy you and many others have stuck around here from way back and know what Detailing Bliss is all about I truly do hope we can put all that has happened in the past and move forward, taking with us all that we have learned to this point.

    Believe me Flash, I've had this feeling all day long it's incredible how such things effect me, I do my best to not let it get to me but I can't help it :shrug:

    I honestly don't think members do harm intentionally, well those that have done it intentionally have been removed from the forum but having said that when these incidents happen it's as though everything we have all (the community) worked for has been nothing but a waist and instead of taking a step forward it's as though we just took two steps backwards, well at least that's how I feel.
  4. Spyral

    Spyral DB Forum Supporter

    I have learned a lot here in a short period of time. I am now a capable detailer in my opinion. I amaze myself sometimes! However, it is all because of the things I learned here, the advice the members give and the great products the suppliers here have sold me. What I like about here is that it is smaller than the other sites. I feel like I know the people I converse with. Hell, I have even met and detailed with another member and had a bunch of fun. I have even been invited to his wedding. I know sometimes I am a bull in a china shop, but I mean no harm. When I am wrong I will admit it and I will make amends. I am still learning, every day, and I am glad there is a forum like this for me to be a part of.
  5. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    Carlos, having run an albeit smaller forum in the past, I appreciate you being public about this.

    Transparency builds trust between admin and users. If we know you are upset, as a community we are able to act and correct it. If you let it steam and build and build, then one day you blow up in a huge fireball and big actions get made when maybe smaller actions would suffice.

    I've been posting less due to getting very busy lately, so I glad I'm not a part of this one. Carlos, you are running this forum beautifully and as long as you keep us in the know-how as to what you (and your fellow admin) are feeling, we can correct it and dissipate the situation before it gets too far out of hand.

    Thank you so much for keeping the forum going, I've made tons of friends and learned so much that I would be very sad to see you pull the plug one day. I really hope it does not come to that.

    Detailing Bliss wouldn't be what it is without the members -- this is true. But you are the one who made the site LOOK so good, you brought on WONDERFUL vendors that treat us like kings (seriously, whenever I buy anything from another store for like electronics, I'm disappointed) and kept everyone in check. You also front what I can only assume is a hefty bill -- from running a forum a few years ago, as well as several other websites (1 including a 3 server cluster in Dallas with a 1Gbps backbone and 32GB of ram )

    So please, keep it up. You rock! Plus, you're a kickass detailer, too. ;)
  6. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    This is still the best online detailing place to hangout.
  7. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Damn, that sucks that the thread got derailed despite the fact that the OP was likely to be a troll.
  8. matrix_808

    matrix_808 DB Supporter

    This is definitely a great forum which is why i am on here and not topia anymore, but to be honest this forum has probably grown 20 fold since i joined and still continues to grow. It has become very popular and now probably ranks up there with Autopia and DW as top detailing forums. I know everyone hates bashing threads, but its inevitable when a forum gets grows as big as DB has and probably will be. I guess im just saying that it is going to be very hard and time consuming to keep the forum the way it was in its embryonic stage
  9. ahwil_lim

    ahwil_lim Wax on..Wax off

    Im newbie in this forum, Im falling in love to this forum :)) to be honest, Im not european or american, but enjoy to hangout here. I also been posted one of my prob here, many entusiast detailers been so helpful. I really appreciated the kindness and willingness to help me out.

    I feel this is the best forum so far. I just learned so much and gather many meaningful information from here. Before go for hunting a certain brand of product, I will search n find information from here.

    Go go go Dbliss ... don let a small group people ruin it your paramount reputation. Dbliss has done a wonderful role here. Many enthusiast detailers need this forum more than before.
  10. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Does not matter if you are European, American, Indian, Canadian, Jamaican we are all detailers at some level. :)
  11. ahwil_lim

    ahwil_lim Wax on..Wax off

    Thks sob ... hehe

    My english isnt good ... so Im afraid to post here sometimes ... to avoid misunderstanding or any offences :)
  12. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well I'm glad to hear some members are enjoying them selves here, yes Detailing Bliss has seen an incredible amount of growth and I'm a firm believer that all members should be able to get along with one another here, these arguments/cat fights that pop up are avoidable, all it takes is a simple gesture of common courtesy and most importantly respect.

    So no matter how much growth Detailing Bliss experiences I will continue to harp on respect and treating others as you would like to be treated.

    Having said that yes, lately it's taking lots of my time and effort to keep up with the forum. To be honest I don't want to add more moderators and it's not that I don't trust any of you, no it's not that. I believe in the following, you have heard me say that Detailing Bliss is only as good as it's members. So to me, every single member here is a moderator, so many of you express their gratitude and appreciation towards the forum well I expect such members to look out for the community as well, meaning when you see something that just dosen't look/sounds right to simply send me a PM or report it or simply share your thoughts in a respectful manner with that particular member or just let me deal with it. I'm only one person but with the help of the community we can all do our part and take care of Detailing Bliss, society now a days is so selfishly focused on their own problems/concerns that slowly the words community, family and brother hood are slowly being forgotten. Now I know how this may sound, it may come across as extremely old fashion and out of date, I'm only 30 years old but I've learned the hard way that life is not about what objects you posses or how much money you have in your bank account, it's about doing the right thing and lending a hand where you can, being a good samaritan. Like I said it may sound old school but that is what I expect from each member here, if you do not agree with what I'm saying or think it's simply BS then I kindly ask you leave the forum and save me the hassle of having to ban you in the near future.

    I don't think what I'm asking is difficult for us (community) to a chive. So on that note, my expectations of all those I consider a friend here at Detailing Bliss and specially those members that have been here from birth I expect you guys to be role models to the new members, to conduct your selves in a matter that will set an example as I have tried to do right from the beginning. If we (community) can do this, Detailing Bliss' future can be that much brighter and best part things around here will be much, much better.

    Having said all that, we are all human beings, we are all flesh and blood, we all have our weaknesses and we all have our strengths. We all make mistakes, I'm no different, I'm just like the rest of you. I do my best to be honest, respectful and sincere as possible but when any of you question my actions I encourage you so simply send me a PM and ask why I did what I did. I have nothing to hide, I have done my best to be honest with the community and maintain an open communication through out the life span of Detailing Bliss and I'll continue to do so. But please note that certain information has to remain private. I agree though, an open and honest communication is always the best way to maintain trust and respect and I will continue to do so. All I ask is for your support and to help me keep Detailing Bliss clean and respectful.
  13. Ch40t1c

    Ch40t1c Obsessive Detailer

    Very well said Nica.
  14. Nica

    Nica Banned

    I wanted to bring another thing up.

    In the past few months I've received several requests for user name changes and I've denied every single one! Once a member has signed up and they have chosen a user name that's final, I wont change/alter the user name. The only way I'll modify/change a user name is if there is a good reason behind it. When I say a good reason I'll give you an example. The last user name I changed was because the person was being stalked via online.

    If any of you one day wake up and think "I'm bored of this user name, lets change it" then I regret to inform you under such reasoning I wont change it. Now some members try to be sneaky and register a second account here, well here at Detailing Bliss multiple accounts are not allowed and if you are caught with multiple accounts you will be banned. I have installed the appropriate security measures that will warn me when a user has multiple accounts.

    Now if you'd like to have your user name changed to reflect the name of your business/company it can be done but you'll just have to upgrade your account accordingly. Please remember I allow absolutely no free advertising of any sort here at Detailing Bliss no matter how insignificant it may be, well I do my best to keep it at bay, I refuse to give anyone a free ride on my back, meaning I pay the bills around here and if anyone is wishing to promote/advertise their business here they will have to have my blessing first.

    So consider this a warning for any of you thinking of registering a second or third account :tlaw:
  15. richy

    richy Guest

    Dayum...I was already to go with my new moniker HunglikeaHorse. Guess I can't, eh? hehehehehe...Carlos..this is your house, your rules, Baby!! Godspeed Brother!
  16. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Same thing my parents tell me, "When you are paying the morgage then you can make the rules, but since I pay the morgage its my rules."
  17. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    :shead: I wish this thread would go bye, bye. Everytime I see it appear I get a knot in my Tummy :help:
  18. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Yea, I too was thinking it would be nice to not see this thread but you know I like this thread because it's always good to learn from previous experiances. So that's why I've left it where it currently sits, trust me I don't get a good feeling when I see it but you know what they say "live and learn". Besides, it lets new members know what Detailing Bliss is all about.
  19. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well it has become very clear to me what my role around Detailing Bliss has become. Lately I've been dealing with a bunch of drama, I don't enjoy dealing with drama but for every good there is always a bad. So I'm more then happy to deal with drama and a bunch of other good stuff that running a forum brings.

    The only draw back is that it keeps me preoccupied and away from posting on the forum. The other draw back is that at the end I'm always viewed as the bad guy. Heck, I'm even called a tyrant or on power trips..ect..ect. We are all free to express our opinion any way we please, the only thing I ask is that you follow the rules I've set here at Detailing Bliss.

    Having said that, recently there has been allot of excess baggage brought over from other forums. Like I have stated in the past, drama should stay where it originated. I don't care what has happened on other forums, nor do I care if you like a member or not what I do care is how members choose to conduct them selves here at Detailing Bliss. What I mean is that my expectation of every single member, weather it be new or old is to conduct them selves in a respectful manner. Like I said, I don't care nor want to know what drama/issues you have had in the past. When you join Detailing Bliss you will be treated with respect and if you simply can not conduct your self within a respectful manner I expect members to simply avoid conflict and turn the other cheek. Basically what I'm saying is this, if you don't like a certain member I simply ask you avoid conflict. If you absolutely can't do this I assure you, your visit here at Detailing Bliss will be short.

    I don't enjoy the "my house my rules" but regrettably it's very, very true. No one is except from the rules, we are all equal around here, I do my best to be fair across the board and when I have to deal with issues I deal with them as I see fit. I don't start drama nor do I enjoy it but I make it a priority to deal with it and stop if from spreading, should members feel the need to ignore my warning well that leaves me no choice but to move to the next step and ban members.

    Most issues I deal with I deal with in the background, so most of the members don't see it but the odd times members like to post double meaning threads, which to be quite honest I can't stand. If you have something to say get it of your chest and be done with it, posting threads or posts with double meaning is just wrong and I wont stand for such threads or posts! If you have a problem with someone I expect every member to do the mature thing and simply avoid conflict, this can be done by simply ignoring that particular individual and absolutely no contact. If an individual here at Detailing Bliss harasses any one I strongly suggest you bring it to my attention, with proof of course. I can't do anything with out proof or with out supporting evidence.

    Like I've said many times, Detailing Bliss is open to the entire world but this doesn't mean that everyone in the world is meant for Detailing Bliss. Having said that the reason I post this and I keep this thread alive is to serve as a reminder to all members here at Detailing Bliss what is expected of you and how I expect every single member to conduct them selves around here. If you read my post and think 'this place is a joke' that simply means your not meant for Detailing Bliss and I kindly ask you either send me a PM requesting to have your user account deleted and I'll be more then happy to do so or you simply leave Detailing Bliss, either way I wont put up with members stepping out of line.
  20. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    i hear ya, carlos. i don.t even like opening up a thread here and seeing drama. what i love about db is everyone (except the inevitable few bad apples) are always helpful and supportive, but most of all respectful.

    it.s not a free-for-all, anything goes forum. but the bounds are not restrictive by any means.

    thanks for the great work keeping this forum what it should be.

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