Things are getting out of line here!!

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by Nica, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. Nica

    Nica Banned

    No don't worry guys, the warning is just to those that choose to break the rules around here or those that think that I don't take Detailing Bliss serious.

    Two members were banned and I will continue to ban members should they not respect my rules and the community, key word RESPECT!!

    So I hope members here listen to my warning otherwise they will find them selves out of Detailing Bliss.

    From here on in I will be keepinga very close eye on threads, posts, activities going on on the forum.
  2. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    I have a feeling it has something to do with reflection and advertising without paying? There were several members the last couple weeks posting reflection shots that contained their banner or business name somehow.
  3. Spyral

    Spyral DB Forum Supporter

    woah....I just figured it out.
  4. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    I was out of town, and my wife won't hardly let me borrow the laptop I bought her.:giggle:

    The Rules are very easy to understand. If you wanna be a Knucklehead take it to Argutopia, you'll fit right in there.:p:
  5. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Exactly, I honestly don't think I'm being a tyrant or asking too much to follow common sense rules. For the most part we all get along and we all treat each other and the forum with respect, just as you would do in your own personal life.

    I personally feel that I don't need to be on the forum 24/7. I do sometimes because I either have the time or I'm dealing with something/someone. The past few days it's been nothing but headaches and complaints, I don't mind complaints I welcome them, so don't stop sending me the PM's with your issues/concerns/ fact I'm glad of the PM's I've received because personally I don't associate my self with individuals that have no respect to another fellow DB member or don't respect the forum it's self. So I'm more then happy to deal with these issues and I will deal with them as I see fit and if that means banning members then so be it.

    Detailing Bliss is open to the entire world, but that doesn’t mean the entire world will agree/understand/appreciate the way Detailing Bliss runs and operates. I can't pleased everyone, I will do my best but it's impossible to please everyone.
  6. EisenHulk

    EisenHulk Birth of a Detailer

    Yeah....really good analysis there. :roll: Not everyone on that board is a chump.

  7. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    Quoted for truth.

    Carlos, stand by your policies. If people don't like it, there are plenty of other detailing places where they can argue with one another, post logos cleverly concealed in pictures, whatever else they want to do that doesn't fly here on DB.

    Sounds like the last couple weeks has been a high water mark for people behaving badly. Stick to your policies and it will right itself. Thanks for everything you do to keep this place the only detailing forum I go to. :applause:
  8. Nica

    Nica Banned

    EisenHulk, twice you posted on this thread and twice I don't understand the purpose of your posts? Can you please clarify what your point is, I think I'm missing your point.

    Do you something to say? Is something bothering you? I don’t like playing games, if you have something to say get it off your chest and be done with. If you'd like to PM me my inbox is always open.
  9. EisenHulk

    EisenHulk Birth of a Detailer

    The first post was simply because. That's why.

    The second is directed toward Flash for his blanket statement regarding Autopia. Is there more arguing that goes on over there? Sure there is...Not going to deny that. But you also have to look at one of the main reasons why...More volume. Plain and simple. But to downplay it (Autopia), simply because more arguing takes place is unfair. Some of the best detailers alive post there (Myself NOT included in that group). But to make it sound like it's Ringling Brothers over there is an ignorant shot that was uncalled for.

    That's all.

  10. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well I agree with you EisenHulk, I've only visited Autopia a hand full of times. I personally have nothing against the forum, it serves it's purpose. Having said that I can't control others opinion/thoughts but I will ask that members be respectful towards other forums as well. Like i've said before, what ever has happened or takes place at other forums has to stay there, I don't want 'baggage' brought over to Detailing Bliss.

    Now seeing as I'm harping about rules, respect..ect..ect..I wont go to the extreme of editing/deleting posts against other forums, we are all free to share our opinions here I just request that you do it as respectful as possible that's all.

    EisenHulk, now that you have shared your peace I would appreciate it if you could stop posting coded posts. You have stated what you think and expressed your opinion and I respect that, but please respect that some members will not see things your way. The sooner we all respect each others point of view/opinions the better we'll all get along.
  11. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I agree with Karl 100%. The rules and policies here are to protect the members and make this an enjoyable place to be. Have respect for each other and everyones opinions and if you feel compelled to react to a statement or action by another member, please do so in a tactful fashion. Carlos works hard to keep this forum running smoothly. Lets all do our part to help him out.
  12. getcha

    getcha Jedi Nuba

    Agreed with Karl, Ken and Carlos. Its amazing to see what forums and their members can bring both good, education and professional as well as poor, catty and unprofessional. A great job has been done of keeping the integrity of this forum up. :applause:
  13. EisenHulk

    EisenHulk Birth of a Detailer

    Right on.

  14. Berscht

    Berscht Jedi Nuba

    I dont think that there is a better person for managing Detailing Bliss than Carlos. Props to you Carlos for handling every situation like a man should ...with true class :applause:
  15. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thank you all for the support, it's very much appreciated.

    I'm glad to see members are pleased with how the forum has evolved, with the communities help I'd like the forum to operate as it has done so, when things get out line I'm more then happy to step in and deal with what ever needs to be dealt but it helps to have support from the community :peace:
  16. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Excellent point Nica, we shouldn't be using the internet as a guise to say whatever you want.
  17. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well you can say what ever you want, just as long as you say it respectfully that's all I ask.
  18. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well yet another thread that was closed and the ripple effect begins and I’m left to deal with the mess :woopdedoo:

    This time around it was very interesting and very disappointing :shakehead: You see my expectation of every forum member is to remain respectful through out, for the most part most members understand where I’m coming from and for the most part things go along on their merry way.

    This time around the latest fiasco brings out some very interesting topics such as, favoritism, invulnerability, untouchable, wrongfully accused and believe me many, many more topics that I’ve been sent via PM’s. I have nothing against such PM’s in fact I welcome them but I wanted to share the following.

    For starters there is no favoritism, all forum members are treated equal, with respect. We are all equal here there is no special treatment, it doesn’t matter how many posts you have, it doesn’t matter how knowledgeable you are or how much money you have no one on Detailing Bliss is untouchable or except from any punishment not even those I call friends. The reason I say this is because some members have contacted me and have expressed a concern regarding some favoritism going on, I assure you there is no such thing here at Detailing Bliss. If you doubt my word, I assure you I have punished members that have been with this forum right from birth, I have banned some members that I’ve considered friends. Like I’ve said before, I’ve made some great friends here at Detailing Bliss at the same time some members feel that just because they are my close friends that I’ll take it easy on them, regrettably this is not the case. To be honest that’s the one thing I hate the most, being the executioner being the one who ‘punishes’ users when they get out of line. But it comes with the territory.

    I deal with each individual as I see fit, every single time I get the following ‘are you for real?’ or ‘Your blowing things out of proportion’…bla..bla..bla..but the truth is once I’ve made my decision it’s final. There is lots that goes on in the background, lots! Most members never know of what goes on in the background but one thing is for sure I always warn members and some members feel I’m just joking or simply choose to ignore my warnings, well I assure you all I follow through with my warnings.

    One thing I would like to straighten out, no one here, not even my self have the right to question another members position. What I mean by this is the following, there are many members her that sign up every day but not every one signs up to post, converse..ect..ect..who am I to question their membership here, who am I to go around every member that signs up and say, if you don’t post or contribute your not welcomed to Detailing Bliss. You see when I started this forum, I wanted a place for members to sit back, relax and enjoy. Not to be mocked or ridiculed when they claim they are busy. To put it in perspective, if all I do is post my details and never answer questions, never contribute and I say I’m busy but yet you see me on the forum from time to time, who here has the right to question me? Like I said, not even I have the authority to question that. We are all free, free to do what we please with our spare time, we are all free to share/contribute as we please.

    Now you have all heard me harp the following:

    If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all!!

    When I say this what I mean is the following. On the forum there is a wide range of members, we wont all get along and not all of us will agree with each others train of thoughts. So I expect members to respect one another and should a thread or post come up and you don’t agree with what is discussed I expect members to simply turn the other way and go on with their business. What I'm trying to get at is, it's always best to avoid conflict rather then go looking for it. This does not mean you can’t post, but I expect your posts to be respectful and sincere. No good will ever come from members putting other members down, or bluntly criticizing others opinion/train of thought. Some members seem to get some sort of enjoyment/thrill from putting others down, humiliating them..ect..ect…to be perfectly honest when such things happen, like they recently did it makes my life very, very complicated. Worst part I have to put my judge robe on and pass judgment, I really don’t like doing that..but I do what is best for the forum and the community and I will continue to do so.

    Do you guys want to know what is the backbone of Detailing Bliss or what is it that makes Detailing Bliss different from other forums? Well it’s not me, no absolutely not. It’s the members, it’s the members that have been here since the beginning, it’s the members that sign up every day and continue to sign up. I’ve always said it and I’ll continue to say it, the forum is only as good as it’s members. I expect all members to follow the rules around here and most importantly I expect those that have been here at Detailing Bliss from birth to be role models to the new members, to set the example, those that have been around here from the beginning know me and know what is expect from them so when I see such members acting out of line it’s very, very disappointing and very discouraging.

    Many times I’ve wondered why I keep the forum running, many times I’ve wondered what it would be like to just pull the plug shut it down and be done with it. But at the same time where there is bad there is always good, you see I started Detailing Bliss out of pure passion and to this day the passion still burns, bright and strong, I put it up with it all because I’m very passionate about detailing. Like anything in life, anything worth wile requires sacrifice and for Detailing Bliss I’m willing to sacrifice some of my spare time and money to keep it running. Now some of you have questioned my vision, my goal. Some think that I have hidden agenda, I assure you I have no agenda what’s so ever. If someone asks me what’s the future of Detailing Bliss, I would answer by saying, well the forum will continue as it has, open, free, respectful and most importantly with open arms to receive all it’s members. I don’t despite any one, I do my best to show respect to all members, in return all I ask is respect to the forum, it’s members and lastly me.

    Well I apologize for the long and winded post, but I think it’s important for the community and it’s members to know where I’m coming from, my way of dealing with issues that come up. Having said all this I suspect some may not agree with my way of thinking or my way of passing judgment but like I have said in the past I’ll never please the mass, we are all free to come and go and we are all free to choose. So if you don’t agree with my vision or how I deal with things feel free to share your opinion, I’m always open to suggestions.

    To conclude, all those I’ve contacted which were involved in the following thread:
    I have dealt with and continue to deal with. Like I’ve said I will pass judgment as I see fit and I sincerely hope that the forum and community can learn from such incident and continue to move forward.
  19. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    Well said Carlos. I know it takes alot of work to run a forum and keep everything running smooth. Glad I have found this place, I have learned alot and meet a few people. Spend alot of money and saved alot.

    Think it's time for a nice cold one.
  20. richy

    richy Guest

    Holey Moly...I am sure missing a ton whilst away on vacation!! I tried reading through this thread and got bored by page 3...and it goes to page 7. There seems to be a lot that has changed with the forum since its inception. I was one of the first to be here and have absolutely loved it here. I'm finding lately, and it's not just with my S & S posts, that people are not taking the time to read/review peoples' work anymore. It was commom for most of those threads to be 3 or 4 pages long. Now you're lucky to see 15 views. That to me, is the life-blood of our work...sharing our work; sharing our techniques; sharing our products. I see threads like the a/m one about PD and I am saddened. Let's get back on track people. This forum has been changing lately and not for the better. Please take the time to view your colleagues' work and share your thoughts with them. Otherwise, why bother? I have seen many members on here grow with their skill sets by seeing others' work, asking questions and having the courage to try the advise given to them. Lets get back to basics here people, please.

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