The Great Ultra-Gloss Giveaway

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by Reflect, Sep 20, 2010.

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  1. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    Round Rack? where can I get some of that? :applause2:
  2. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Round Two, Go!

    Say, "I'd like a sample." or some derivative so I know. One sample per person, if you won round one, you can't do it again. First five to post get the samples for $5 shipped. Good luck.
  3. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    I got my sample today.Thanks.

    Just FYI the top leaked. I probably only lost a TINY bit.. but it did start to penetrate the packaging,.
  4. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Hmmm. I'll try to retighten the bottles but I don't know what else I could do. Give it a try today and let me know how you like it. What do you think caused the leak?
  5. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    Heat plus a seemingly thin constancy to the soap.
  6. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Hmm, so I'd have to take product out to combat that. I think we're better off just leaving it.
  7. oldcracker

    oldcracker Jedi Nuba

    I'd like a sample!
  8. Frankastic

    Frankastic Detail Photographer

    me please......!!!!
  9. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    Well it looks to have seeped from the spray head, not the seal of the cap. So perhaps the easiest fix is to find a plain cap for the bottles?
  10. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    I can tape around the spray head. I don't have that many regular caps haha.
  11. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    I'd like a sample

  12. richy

    richy Guest

    Am i too late? count me in if not
  13. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    I'm trying to keep it in the U.S. for shipping purposes. I'm not sure what the rate would be to Canada.
  14. metajames

    metajames Birth of a Detailer

    Got mine today also, no leakage. Thanks so much Reflect!
  15. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    Got mine today Kyle. Thanks a lot bud ... no leakage either.
  16. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Okay good. I didn't want a catastrophe on my hands. Let me know what you guys think as soon as you try it out. I was thinking we can make another thread with all of the opinions of the people who got to try it.
  17. RefPerfection

    RefPerfection Birth of a Detailer

    Hmm are samples still available?

    I've been hearing good things about Ultra Gloss.
  18. durabio

    durabio Birth of a Detailer

    Hey I received mine today also, however I am also a victim of the leaky package disease which is not really a big deal since probably only 1/4 of an ounce was lost, and it looks I received more than whats displayed in the picture. I can't wait to try it though, the sweet cherry scent makes me want to drink it instead of wash my car with it :drinking2:

    Oh and great job on the shipping, didn't think I would receive it til later since we're on the opposite sides of the country
  19. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Yeah, you're 4th right now if you are interested.
  20. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    It must have something to do with the heat. The bottle is about 8.5 oz so you should be alright. I suppose I can try and tape up the nozzle a bit better but I'm not sure if that'd help. If you drink it let me know, I've been considering it hahah.
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