SwissVax close out + other Nubas FS

Discussion in 'Sale, Trades, or Bargains' started by Kaleo, Jul 6, 2012.

  1. Cooter

    Cooter DB Forum Supporter

    There's a reason on-line vendors dont ship until the $$ is received or even waiting for a check to clear. People like this really do a dis-service to the detailing community as a whole. We're a very generous group of ppl and these sham artists are just waiting for someone else to be the next victim.

    Kaleo given a negative itrader rating. What a crock. He's just like every person I've ever dealt with from Hawaii. You couldnt ask for a nicer/generous person. As you can tell by him sending you the product without receiving payment. Sham.

    Sorry but this ticks me off.
  2. chemgys99

    chemgys99 DB Forum Supporter

    Haha I love the updated version of op. sn pot- stolen. Best part, the guy who stole it thanked you. What a jerk.
  3. Kaleo

    Kaleo DB Forum Supporter

    SV Car Bathe has been sold! Other items still available!

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