Strytnyne's- Just Obsessed Collection

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by Strytnyne, Apr 27, 2010.

  1. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    They are both nice, but I have only used Ital once so far. I just got it not long ago.

    Glasur is great, especially on black.

    Either one is a good choice, but personally I would choose Glasur.

    I have Carbon and Concours as well :devil:

    I have used Titanium in the past as well.
  2. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    I heard titanium falls short as it was meant to be durable for SUVs and Truck etc. but failed to do that.

    I'll look into Glasur when I order all the stuff on my wishlist, its near the bottom at the moment.
  3. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    Just get it. Move it to the top of the list :D
  4. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    NOOOOO! I need to get a bunch of stuff. Power Lock, IW845, Last Touch, M105, Pads etc. So its pretty full. Maybe if I happen to get some customers I could afford it quicker, but right now I'm knocking the list out piece by peace. Mind you, I'm only 16 :p (all my own $$ that I make online- Swagbucks, and other referral/ points sites. $20/month for just surfing the web :)
  5. Strytnyne

    Strytnyne DB Forum Supporter

    haha powerlock is the best! and i have dg 501/105 and jetseal 109 . i think powerlock just looks great.
  6. niko

    niko Virgin Detailer

    Wow some great products there! I have the z concours im yet to use it though also the smell of it gives you abit of a buzz
  7. Strytnyne

    Strytnyne DB Forum Supporter

    family photo! =p
  8. nothelle

    nothelle Birth of a Detailer

    Niceee..... so those carnaubas are your golden child then?
  9. Strytnyne

    Strytnyne DB Forum Supporter

    hahaha some what, don't think i can have normal children, unless i can find a woman that will tolerate my obsessive spending on products

    more things yay
    GLoss it!
    some dp extreme foam,poor boy's green apple and surbuf pads
  10. Strytnyne

    Strytnyne DB Forum Supporter

  11. nothelle

    nothelle Birth of a Detailer

    LOL... i think i got your point. *whisper* she doesn't need to know everything..... Put a side some emergency detailing fund and a place to put your stash somewhere safe then you're all set :thumb: You didn't hear this from me though :whistle:

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