Bumpage!!! Gonna wash, clay and JS109 today...so tomorrow at the shindig it'll either be RBOE or SV Smaragd going on the car, w0000t! Jonnyboy, txt or call if you need me to bring anything un-related to detaiing stuffs. What time we getting started?!?!
Hey, everyone, wanted to see if anyone would be too bent out of shape if we postpone this? I'm absolutely hammered with work right now, and was thinking of catching up on some things tomorrow. Also, by moving the date, maybe we could get some more folks involved. And it looks like there might be a decent chance of rain tomorrow. If anyone would be too upset, we can still do it. Let me know. Thanks.
I would be thrilled. I am swamped at the shop and was thinking I would not be able to make it tomorrow.
You guys are the best! I'll post a new thread this upcoming week so we can re-group. I just finished working my parish's picnic and am absolutely pooped. No sense of forcing it when everybody is wrapped up already...that's no fun.
Hey guys, I'm new to the forum but would be glad to attend the get together whenever it is rescheduled. I'm in the Oakville area. Thanks!