someone please clear this up

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by rfinkle2, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter

    though i could also point out one thing from anthropology analysis point of view from the korean site. From history, Korea has been a Japanese colony and Koreans in reality hate the japanese. The only reason why theres a tech boom in Korea and car boom is that they want to beat japan in their economical forte (cars and high-tech gadgetry). Hyundai executives and other korean executives have over and over again in interviews that their aim is to beat Japan.

    Now why is this related? We can see that the korean site has heavy emphasis of "Japan" coating. Now one question we may ask is why would we also have warehouse in Korea if its manufactured in Japan? Japanese would not let others manufacturer their most awesome stuff if it brings em to leading edge (japanese pride). They would not even leak out any secrets to outside countries if it also gives them the edge (except maybe America).

    Could it be simply korean company finding some sort of excuse and bash Japanese products at the same time?

    Korean manufacturing is also cheaper than Japanese manufacturing in general so that might have some point in something.

    Korea is also famous for knock offs of Japanese products throughout history, could this be another one of em?

    This is CSI Miami guys
  2. rfinkle2

    rfinkle2 DB Forum Supporter

    that is interesting (Cquartz manufactured in Japan). So far, the Aquartz website sites avi as a japanese manufacturer (true), even though their english or english translation needs a little work.

    BTW... i only speak 1 language so I'm not poking fun.
  3. richy

    richy Guest

    I'm going to weigh in here. I have no affiliation with either company, CQ or OC (or AQ for that matter). I CONTINUE to use both Opti Coat as well as CQ. I have asked Avi to attend and explain what happened with the original company and the resulting changes which resulted in Cquartz. I am going to attach a bunch of threads where I used both AQ and OC and CQ. You can read for yourself my conclusions. Others can post their results too. I found AQ hard to use but the results were good. CQ is a different product in makeup but the protection is the same and is a lot easier to use.
  4. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

    from what ive heard, the aquartz is nolonger manufactured because one or x amount of the raw ingredients were nolonger attainable, thus cquartz was born
  5. richy

    richy Guest

    Not true. I know there was an issue that resulted in Avi going to a new supplier. It's better he explain the details.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter

    I just got a reply from Aquartz Korea, if anyone wants me to forward it to them, pm me your email.

    All things were made quite clear in the email and definitely sounds like theres a reason to cquartz's japanese origin and aquartz's korean origin
  7. d964

    d964 Two Bucket System Washer

    Hello Everyone,
    some guys already know me , i am Avi , owner of CarPro trading company.
    let me clarify this for you all :
    At July 2009, 16 months ago, i made a contract with Rionix co.Ltd in Korea to produce me OEM my
    product , the Aquartz coating. according to my spec. and requirements.
    all went well until few months later they started to lower the quality of the liquid, and change
    the coating, while customers complained its not the same product as it was
    at beginning.and very hard to apply, Aquartz in warm temp reacts very very fast and stain the surface ,white haze which is very hard to remove.
    when I tried to ask why they changed they said its the same and they wont
    after that I found out that they started to contact all my customers directly, and
    write copyright on my brands in Korea , so i wont use these brands.
    to copy all, logos, website, pictures, text, ALL !!!l.... and make same domain
    name as mine.
    so I had to stop working with them and find other producers for my products,
    it was very bad experience for me , they stole money from me and all my
    stock I had (all what they show there, reload , led lamp, wash mitt, its all
    my products, I paid it, when they will finish it they cant get it anymore
    since it was OEM made for me )

    I changed my brands name, changed all my site ,and improved my products just
    to be different from them.

    small proof you can see when aquartz brand was made first , me or
    fake Korean: see registrating date.
    see launch date,mine: Whois Lookup - Domain Names Search, Registration, & Availability |
    and Korean: , - A Quartz - AQuartz Crystal Titan PPF Coatings

    I have my OEM contract with them if you all want to see , that they produce OEM for
    anyway, you can buy from them... I just can tell you that, aquartz wasn't
    good enough, no beading, loose gloss after short time, no real hardness as
    well, very hard to apply and stain the surface with white streaks if its not
    done properly. actually after 2~3 months you cant tell if its on your car surface .

    there claim for 9H has made on glass surface, this is fraud, !, glass has
    already high hardness 8H~9H, we coat protection for paint surface target not glass...(and Chris from OC , i still say there is no way you can get 9H hardness on clearcoat surface!)
    I done independent lab test, for pencil hardness on paint surface, I
    have reached 6~ 7H, (clear coat is 3~4H) , I will show this report soon.

    about Eshine, Chris of course import from Korea since my logistic center for all my products are based there, our office is based in Cyprus for EU market legal reasons.
    Chris from Eshine had never ordered from the fraud Korean , he always worked with me, he just didnt updated his website until now, since now it was his first order from the new line.
    Chris can approve it.

    Aquartz was water base polyurethane mixed with titanium oxide nano powder.
    the idea was good, but the application and the results were not enough satisfactory.

    now, anyone who wants to try the Aquartz can go ahead, just check out other detailers reviews in the UK for it after 6 months trials before you spend your money.

    Cquartz Liquid is completely different technology, SolGel type , ceramic nano particles hybrid with more than 30% silica and some other secrets. Made in Japan OEM for my company.

    Cquartz has now trade mark in Cyprus and waiting for final approval for EU TM registration.
    any questions are welcome.
  8. Welcome Avi and thank you for sharing. Good for you for starting over and not letting that situation get the better of you.
  9. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter

    Ok extensive research from my team of me and me...
    may I first point to this:
    Detail Information
    Patent office in korea has the trademark filed at August 2010
    (4520100003483 is the trademark number)
    search at under trademark ->"aquartz" will bring u to the link if its not working

    Now to point to these...

    If we look at the one with the signature + year on it, the 7 there looks like it has been photoshopped from a 9
    If we also look at the patent office doc's 7, the 7 is misaligned a bit
    If we look at the korean test at the 2007 on top right, the 0 are overlapped
    therefore these documents are potentially fake
  10. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

    i cant stop laughing at the korean ghey boys little esl rant on their website

    they sound very professional, sure im sooo eager to send them my hard earned now

    avi i feel for ya mate, sucks to have gotten done by them like that. This stuff does happen more than it should unfortunately
  11. d964

    d964 Two Bucket System Washer

    its ok, its history for me now... sh$t happens in business. this guy learned his lesson from me by now, dont worry about that...
    in fact, i should thank him!! , from then we only selling triple better products with cheaper prices.

    its not bothering me anymore. future is more interesting for us..:thumb:
  12. eShine

    eShine Guest

    Just to clear one some things up. We had the choice to stick with Korean Aquartz or stick with AVI and the new CQuartz. AVI offered to buy back all our AQuartz and replace it with CQuartz, something most distributors wouldnt do. AQuartz from Korea sent us a letter making many acusations against Avi and basically bashed him in the letter. Very unprofessional IMO especially considering this was the first contact I had with them. My money was on Avi and we are currently only selling Cquartz. The Reload formula is the same so the current Reload you receive from us will still say Aquartz on it. They were shipped from Korea only because that is where Avi's warehouse is.
  13. rfinkle2

    rfinkle2 DB Forum Supporter

    hello avi. im sorry for confusing everyone about your product, but i wanted to be sure that the inventor recieved his dues, and of course sales $'s.

    as a matter of fact, i ordered reload from not too long ago, and can't wait to try it.

    AGAIN ALL, I'M sorry for confusing everyone, but I've been waiting to order this stuff for a while and wanted to be sure.
  14. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter

    rfinkle2 got me on my toes but as I got more pieces to the story I was able to construct the whole story and evidence. Indeed the korean company gave an interesting story but after Avi's post, I had enough information to analyse their certificates and check their file in the korean patents office which all things leads to whos the real inventor and who should be receiving my sales.
  15. d964

    d964 Two Bucket System Washer

    No worry mate, its ok..
    most important now is to make customers happy ,
    if Phil DD will allow me, good news about the ironX and IXSG , they are both smell much better then before , , Chris Eshine got the new ironX smell now.
  16. Rcrew

    Rcrew Wax on..Wax off

    Apology appreciated, but I'm not sure how necessary it was. Because you stayed on this topic and rattled some cages, we were able to get to the bottom of things and hopefully save people some frustration by identifying the superior product and places to order it from.

  17. Emile

    Emile Welcome to Detailing

    Avi and the website are the real deal. Even ordered directly from him once, he offered great communication, gave me tracking info, and shipping was fast. Avi even contacted me after I received the order to make sure everything was correct, and to this day he still contacts me once every few weeks to see if I've used CQuartz yet and to let him know how it is.
  18. billy

    billy Obsessive Detailer

    Avis customer service is great always great communication !!
  19. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    would be nice if Phil Carried at least IronX and Reload.
  20. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    working on it.

    Iron X

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