Dang, this is hard. I have to buy presents for my family and while doing that I'm tempted by the Shag Rags..... I guess I'll place my order after all the gifts have been bought
I could furnish my whole house with mf towels. In the kitchen, bathroom, sheets, blankets, pillow cases. Now if i just knew how to sew!!!!!!!
My wife uses microfibers around the house all of the time. I'm always on her about using the expensive ones!
I received my order this morning Justin. The pockets on the drying towels will be extremely useful for an old guy like me, :chris: no more dropping them on the floor! Thanks for the sale and your excellent service! :worship2: I'm going to the shop now to break-in my new towels. :applause2: Dave
:thumb: They work great! Really like those corner pockets! :thumb: I probably should have laundered them before use, but I couldn't wait. They will only get better after a trip thru the washer. Thanks again for having this sale. :applause2: Dave