Self Center Hex Pads, from Chemical Guys

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by Millenion, May 26, 2009.

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  1. odgaard

    odgaard Birth of a Detailer

    is there another place to get them? i would like to give them a try
  2. bigfoot

    bigfoot Jedi Nuba

    I tried the hex pads, and to me, I like the idea. Didn't see a "waste" of product from the design. Find it to cut pretty good, as good as flat pads, with the added bonus of the centering. That first pic is deceiving, since the pockets of the hexagons are not that deep, not even as deep as the ccs pockets. I like them IMO, and want to get more.

  3. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    I bought mine as part of a group buy that xfactor78 did. I should have bought more - they're excellent.
  4. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    The kompressor pads work awesome, maybe you should try them before knocking them. This seems to happen alot with products, people like yourself want to talk about a product they never used. How about next time stick to talking about something you have used.
  5. Millenion

    Millenion Virgin Detailer

    are you even reading anything in this thread? and what do you mean "people like yourself"? are you stereotyping? how about next time you read the thread before you open your brain to typing down something intelligent
  6. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Actually I did and some are bashing pads that they have not used. They might not work, but until you try them how can you make a comment. You say the Kompressor pads waste product, you make no mention of using them. I have been using those and they do not waste anymore product than the next pad. As far as my intelligents goes, I have forgotten more than you will ever know. Please pick your battles before opening your mouth and making a sarcastic comment about someone that is more intelligent than you are.
  7. Millenion

    Millenion Virgin Detailer

    hahha, god you fuckin VA moron, I HAVE KOMPRESSOR PADS!!!

    I didnt say the pads wasted product, I quoted someone who was "assuming" they waste product. One person is not "some". I was not bashing those pads.

    I made this thread to figure out more about HEX and if they related to Kompressor.
  8. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Look at you go with the name calling and quoating out the state. I say you are between 18-22, you need to learn how to use the english language better than that. As far as the moron you need to look no further than your bathroom mirror, keep up with the insults I am sure it has gotten you far in life. You just need to find somewhere else to act like an ass, this isn't the place for it.
  9. Millenion

    Millenion Virgin Detailer

    are you kidding me?

    I was peaceful as hell before you decided to come up in here and started shit. Did you think i wanted any of this? What have you contributed to this thread?

    I am 24 going on to 25.
  10. Millenion

    Millenion Virgin Detailer

    you said you have read my thread, yet you still assume that im bashing/saying that the pads waste product. I have yet to see you retract those false mistaken statements
  11. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Is this good enough for you. I think this is were this intelligent thing comes into play you were talking about. I would have not responded until you wanted to match wits or start your kindergarten name calling. Once again when reverting to name calling shows your lack of intelligents. As far as contributing, I hate when people bash products that they have never used or tried, this does not do any of the members on the forum any good with false info. Now if you would like to stop the name calling and act like an adult and move on that would be great. I for one would think that would be in your best interest since you are new and decided to use such great wording to show your feelings toward me, just trying to give you an honest word of advice.
  12. Millenion

    Millenion Virgin Detailer

    you can hate all you want, but i did not bash any product

    im confused on why you choose to start a battle with me rather then the other guy responding to all those advertising gimmicks. It sounds like he was the one bashing the kompressor pads.

    and you and i both know youre tryin to insult me as much as i insult you. you just decided to be the "cool forum guy who is above all on english"
  13. Millenion

    Millenion Virgin Detailer

    you just cant seem to get it out of your head that i was not bashing any product that i have not tried. you keep mentioning your point over and over for no apparent reason.
  14. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    I was not picking you out, I have done this before and will continue to if someone is going to talk about products they haven't used. Be it you or anyone else it is a dis-service to the forum. It has nothing to do with being the cool forum guy, its all about knowing how to talk to someone and by using name calling or curse words just shows your lack of intelligents or very small vocabulary skills. I make plenty of spelling erorrs but know how to talk, argue or get my point across without having to resort to name calling or cussing at someone. This would be the adult thing to do and is how it is done on here. Everyone has their right to their opinion but it is the way you go about it is the key, cussing and calling out states isn't the way to go about it, just shows you still have a punk kid mentallity. There are several that are younger than you on here and never need to speak like you to get their point or opinion across, so next time you feel froggy think about the choice of words you use because it does show what type of person you are.
  15. Millenion

    Millenion Virgin Detailer

    im sorry, im from california
  16. michakaveli

    michakaveli Welcome to Detailing

    ... figures.
  17. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    i opted to skip over the last two pages of bullshit.

    but back on topic....i'll just stick to my good old flat pads. hell i dont even use my CCS ones anymore since i like the new ubers so much.
  18. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    I agree I don't even use my CCS pads anymore either.
  19. PJS

    PJS Birth of a Detailer

    My mistake, see that now - oops.
    Nevertheless, everything I've said still applies.
  20. Dream Machines

    Dream Machines Jedi Nuba

    So far the Kompressor pads have performed brilliantly for me
    I will be getting the Gloss it pre polymer pads next

    Edge classic, Flexipad black, LC eurotech and Kompressor, farecla G Mop black and Meguiars 2.0 pads are what I use and there are no issues from any of them
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