Saying Goodbye so very hard! : ) - Porsche Content

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by detailersdomain, Mar 25, 2011.

  1. KlineS157

    KlineS157 Birth of a Detailer

    Phil, I myself am also a fellow Porsche Owner. First off let me say how much you and your business has helped me start and grow my own. I always take the time to read what you have to say and take your advice to heart. I started out dealing with a bunch of different suppliers, I would go to whomever had the best deal, it didn’t matter if I only saved $0.50, that's who would get my business. That has all since changed, I realized that if you can maintain a GREAT relationship with a good supplier to stick with them, and I certainly have done that with you. I see how much you are dedicated to your customers and followers, I would much rather give you the business, since I know should I need advice or help in the future you will definitely try your hardest to help me out. All that applies before I saw your little stunt here!

    Now back to the subject, I am also a fellow Porsche owner, and I know what it's like to own one of these cars. They are incredible machines and an absolute joy to drive and own. The Porsche community is a great one too; they are always willing to help a fellow owner in need. I also couldn’t imagine giving my Porsche up, but I certainly would given the need for something important. You have gone another step further and given up your "toy" to better serve your customers, not out of need but out of want. I absolutely commend you on this sir. It shows true dedication and commitment to your business and customers. As much as I valued your business and knowledge before, this makes me stand behind you even more.

    Good Luck on the sale, it's a beautiful car, I'm sure you'll have no problem selling it. Good Luck in the future with your business, you deserve it, not to mention I'll be here to reap the benefits. You have made yourself another life long customer.

    Thanks for everything.

    - Steve
  2. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator


    thanks for the kind words.

    the car was sold about 30 minutes after I handed the keys to my Porsche Sales Manager. The customer saw it and picked it up.
  3. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    Man that was fast Phil, it was in pristine condition I am sure this investment will lead you to a new exotic ride in the future:)

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