Hey guys I have been doing some simplifying of my products and have some stuff I came across that I could send out as samples to whomever wants. Here's what I have: Pinnacle Liquid Souveran - 6 oz XMT Finishing Glaze - 3 oz XMT 360 - 6 oz Wolfgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant - 3 oz 4 Star Shampoo - 6 oz CGs Citrus Wash n Gloss - 4 oz Duragloss 901 - 6 oz DP Wheel Gel Cleaner - 3 oz 4 Star Pre-Wax Cleaner - 8 oz Just let me know. It will be Friday before I could ship out though.
Dibs please on a tiny sample of the above! Now what sample can I send you in trade??? Let me know and I will use my special packing material!