Products that disappointed you

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by Cooter, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    Edge 2k foam pads....the wool is great....

    poorboys ...natties and white..... and ssr's ...trim products ..they streak in the rain....

    NTS 7 products....way off formula from the originals....

    XMT products as a whole..all were useless...poor performance...

    Sov..the spray....the paste and liquid....very expensive for a 2 week look at the most...durabilty was sub par...its a product you have to use weekly to keep the look going...

    Megs UQD....looks good till a wash or rain....then makes paint feel dry to the touch after a wash or a rain....

    Opt OCW.....looks great..but after a week or 2 falls right off....paint feels dry or gritty...poor durability...maybe the new version corrected this....

    Megs Gold Class shampoo and NXT shampoo....NXT is harsh and leaves the paint with a topper stripped feeling.....GC seemed to dull the finish some and left it sorta gritty and some times it streaks paint......


    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    1.The pads are a pain to take on and off, they get stuck sometimes
    2. The plastic disc in the middle broke on me a couple of times
    3. They dont correct as fast as LCC for some reason. (I know the foam is from the same source)
    4. They cost more than LCC pads (even the price of 2 LCC pads)
    5. They are harder to wash.
    6. Edge Adapter has had problems with the bearings falling out
    7. Its harder to "tilt" the pad when needed because of the middle disc
    8. I still get weary about the metal hole in the middle. (no damages so far)
  3. DanPonjican

    DanPonjican Birth of a Detailer

    I'm no Edge salesman but...

    1) New Edge Industrial Adapter fixes this.
    2) okay...
    3) If you say so...
    4) Are they... I guess I get good discounts!
    5) Don't have to worry about Velcro separation... so I think they are easier to wash
    6) See #1
    7) I agree. I think this disc should be more flexible
    8) Yeah, I agree
  4. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    The adapter is terrible, correction ability is terrible, the pads separate. Just a terrible design all around.
  5. Grouse

    Grouse DB Forum Supporter

    I had had over 100 edge 2k pads at one point. Since april of last year i was loosing an average of 3-4 pads a week. The glue would seperate and the pad would fling off. I had lost it when i lost 12 pads in 3 weeks. Not a single pad lasted more than 1 car.

    I went through 2 chucks. No i did not use too much polish. just alot of use.

    The foam for the edge 2k dura foam is not the same as LC. edge has several lines of pads. Other lines use the same foam as LC. The dura foam line does not. Most people do not buy presta or schlegal pads (edge makes their pads). those pads are good quality.

    edge 2k dura foam will not finish down the same as a LC pad. It's not a matter of how you work it, or product. it is a simple fact that the foam acts differently.

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    Man, you must do A LOT of details!!!!

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    Oh another item that I didnt like was:

    P21S Shampoo
  8. Scott's Mobile Detailing

    Scott's Mobile Detailing Welcome to Detailing

    ok i wouldnt say the edge pads are a terrible design....i think the edge waffle pads are great but not the flat pads....the only pad i like of the flat pads is the blue pad
  9. Sparkie

    Sparkie Wax on..Wax off

    DG #104 .......If you can get it off your paint it looks great and it last...Just to dang hard to get off....
    ShMITT, I love how they work....But they keep coming apart....I got tired of sending them back.....They replaced them, and that is great but I want something that will not fall apart....Been glueing them back myself....LOL...
  10. FMINUS

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    Theres something about Edge products..........

    MWAUTOPRO Jedi Nuba

    *not trying to hijack

    the edge 6.5 inch wool pads and the pads for the cyclo are tanks. My green pads for the cyclo have done over 200 cars.
  12. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    I agree with all the above about why I dont like edge pads, including their wool ones. 3M makes a far superior wool pad.
  13. FMINUS

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    My favorite wool pad is the LCC purple ones
  14. budman3

    budman3 Birth of a Detailer

    I'm very surprised to see some of the responses here...

    OCW is very surprising. I find it to be much more desirable than AW. It has better looks and lasts a lot longer. The newer version is going to be awesome- better gloss and slickness and won't seperate as much.

    I can see issues with the Edge pads when using a PC since that is very brutal on that system, but not so much with a rotary. Plus the new industrial adaptor is 100x better than the original adaptor. Edge is always redoing and improving their products so people's experience from a few years or a few months ago probably won't happen again today. Unless it's user error- like jamming the pad into the adaptor when it doesn't line up or puting excessive angled pressure (hence the need for an idustrial adaptor).
  15. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    XMT 1, 2, and 3 - OK if you are a beginner but once you use Menzerna you'll never use them again

    Megs APC - After all I heard about this product other APC's blow it away for me.

    DG Metal Polish - Just not very good

    Diamondite Glass Care kit - A lot of work for no benefit or results

    P21S Polishing Soap - Was told it was awesome and it surely wasn't

    DP Wheel Gel Cleaner - Like most said not very gel like and there are a lot better cleaners out there

    DP Total Interior Cleaner - Nothing special and made me gag sometimes
  16. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

    My Shmitts have been alive since January of last year... I think I've just been lucky, but not with the Cobra Jrs....

    OH YEAH I have been unimpressed with the Cobra Jrs...they're linting on me, even the replacements!!
  17. Duratys

    Duratys Welcome to Detailing

    what dont you like about the cobra jrs?
  18. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

    They linted for me.... I really liked them but I never chekd if they linted before and I've always used them on a light color car for wax removal and final buffing. I decided to really look at the paint after I've used them....and they were linting everywhere :(. I've always washed them religiously with other paint exclusive microfiber towels, and dried them on low and never used fabric softener. These are the only linting MFs I have...I'm going to buy CHemical Guys towels from now on and I also wanna try out DD towels but I have enough towels for now :).
  19. marlcoke

    marlcoke Birth of a Detailer

    i also had bad experience with cobra jrs...pakshak ultra smooth is much better.
  20. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    I am with you on the p21s polishing soap Wolfpacker, its diffently just an upkeep type product. Anything more than that and it is useless.

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