hey guys I have some products i'm looking to trade. Here they are: Ultrafina SE #06068 U.S. version 4oz Final Glaze #06066 4oz Optimum Compound 4oz Optimum Polish 4oz Optimum Poliseal 4oz Opti-Seal 2oz HTEC 4oz Mothers California Gold QD 1 bottle new Looking for ARO, Deepfinish wax, CG's products, P21S products, 5050. I'm pretty flexible. Let me know what you have in mind. Heathopcorn:
Isn't S100 pretty much the same thing as P21s? From what I understand it is just re-labeled for motorcyle use.
???? that's a good ?, I really don't need any polishes. I also have some silk shine sprayable dressing (16oz). PM me some other stock you have and we'll try and work something out!:afro: