Problems with Dell

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Reflect, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. yukonon22

    yukonon22 Wax on..Wax off

    Went apple never going back.
  2. loudog2

    loudog2 Two Bucket System Washer

    Well, now after getting my mother board replaced on my 3 month old computer, I lost my hard drive. Dell sucks! I told them this is the last time. If anything else goes wrong I want my money back. The tech rep documented that, and all the problems I had. I now have to go, and try to save all my data. I hope they can save it. Of coarse dell doesn't pay for that. They don't cover lost data with the warranty. I should've bought that external HD last week.
  3. scot_w

    scot_w Birth of a Detailer

    How are you planning to rescue your data? There are good ways and bad ways. And ways that can make your data unrecoverable.
  4. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    They delayed it again. 3rd time in a row.
  5. loudog2

    loudog2 Two Bucket System Washer

    I am going to take it to someone who knows what they are doing. I got a couple quotes of $100 to try and save it. If they can't save it they will refund $40 of it. I'm going today to get a external HD. I don't really know what to look for.
  6. loudog2

    loudog2 Two Bucket System Washer

    Get your money back while you can. I talked to one of my customers this week. He had the same issues as me with his new dell. He also got stuck in the India phone loop like me.
  7. scot_w

    scot_w Birth of a Detailer

    You want to mount the drive "read-only" so you do not change it/write to it and destroy your data. The boot sector may just be FUBAR and you will see all your data when you connect it to another computer. If that does not work there are many open source tools for data recovery, however they are not for the uninitiated.
  8. loudog2

    loudog2 Two Bucket System Washer

    I took it to a place today to get looked at. The guy said it was spinning, but no data was coming out. Thank god I looked at my old computer and saw most of the stuff I needed was still there. Plus, my girlfriend forgot to empty her memory card in the camera. So all the pictures are still saved. I could've paid a lot of money to recover a couple things, but no need. I did go buy a 640gb external HD. It's all set up.
  9. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    I contacted the Better Business Bureau and informed Dell that I had done so. Hopefully it lights a fire under their ass.
  10. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    They delayed it AGAIN. WTF is wrong with these idiots. I'm seriously considering flying down to Texas and walking in the front door of the building and flipping out.
  11. loudog2

    loudog2 Two Bucket System Washer

    Are they waiting on the new processor chips?
  12. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Apparently they had so many orders for the XPS435MT they just couldn't handle the order so it had to be delayed 4 times. They promise this time it'll be done. I should have contacted the BBB right after the first delay.
  13. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    They had the audacity to send me a customer service survey after my computer finally shipped out. Here's what I responded to their question asking me about customer service.

    "I called numerous times amounting to several hours asking why my computer had been delayed and I had not received a valid answer until filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. Your representatives refused to acknowledge my wishes to speak with a manager or superior, reiterating the same thing over and over in a condescending manner as if I were some kind of infant. In basic terms, if you should choose to heed my words wisely, you should be embarrassed at the deceitful tactics you portray when conducting business. I'm hard-pressed to find a reason that you'd need to conduct customer service surveys when you blatantly know the problem with your company exists in bureaucracy and incompetent workers whom are aristocratic and arrogant. Your workers lie about the status of orders, refuse to direct customers to superiors because it would look bad on their character, and treat customers as if they were expendable. The term "honor system" obviously has no value to your company. I attempted to be compensated but apparently the 4-5 computers my family has ordered from your company have no bearing or weight in terms of respect or value. This will be the last Dell computer I order. You should be grateful I actually took the time to express admonitions about your company. Even to call Dell sub-par from what it used to be would be a lie unto itself."

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