Pressure washer recommendation

Discussion in 'Pre Wash, Wash, Decon, Claying, Engine, Wheels, an' started by kyoshiro, Jan 14, 2011.

  1. Nick.944

    Nick.944 Birth of a Detailer

    The Karcher foam looked pretty weak (no better than gilmour cannon IMO) with the camspray you can really paint the stuff on I will try to get a video up of mine in action this weekend.
  2. 604_Snooze

    604_Snooze Obsessive Detailer

    I bought a karcher from xs-cargo a while ago and a foam lance from eshine. both work pretty good.
  3. Bunky

    Bunky Guest

    The Karcher 5.xx series has the better pump and reports are it is more reliable than others. The other weaknesses is just fittings/attachments. Many are plastic and they can be break if not handled properly. I have been looking and the Karcher 5.xx is a good step up or spend 2x to 3x more and get a pro unit like Kranzle / Camspray.
  4. Emile

    Emile Welcome to Detailing

    Average person uses it once, stores it for 6+ months and then tries to use it again and no go. Average person does not read manual on proper storage, proper assembly & disassembly, etc. Proper care and routine use of the unit should provide at least 1 year of use.

    I got 1.5 years out of my 3.67M, running it once or twice a week year-round. I could have just replaced the control pump head, that's what the guys on DW said was the issue as they had the same problem, but I opted to upgrade to a brand new unit as I got good use out of what I paid for it.

    In conclusion, a residential PW unit is not going to last you a very long time, but for only around $150 they are still a good value.
  5. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    Phil been using his every day (pro detailer) for 3 years, and then he sold it...And that's when he went through 7 Karchers in 3 months...
    For a weekend detailer it will last 10+ years, and @ $60 a year it's worth every penney...
    This is where I actually decided I don't need another $300+ wax, I need a pro grade pressure washer, and then I got it...:headbang:
  6. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    Well, doesn't it costs twice as much as 3.47? I didn't want it to last only twice as much, and then break, because Cam Spray is a much better value...
    If you get 5.xx series, let us know how you like it and how long does it lasts...I really didn't want to spend a lot of cash on a pressure washer, yet at the same time didn't want to spend on something I know not gonna last...
    I was really pissed when my Karcher broke, and when I called customer service, they told me that I need to store it in climate controlled environment (inside the house in this case) in order for it to last longer. To fix it it would cost $100+, when a new one is $150...I decided not to "give it another try".
  7. mikenap

    mikenap Jedi Nuba

  8. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    I have heard positive reviews about the AR's. If you visit their site and compare the different models with the Cam Sprays, the models are extremely similar. I'm probably buying the AR-610 model soon.
  9. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter


    got the 2000psi karcher hoho (they didnt have the cheaper one)
    and yes i have a sweet tooth and costco mf for my rims :D
  10. Socal Brian

    Socal Brian DB Forum Supporter

  11. Emile

    Emile Welcome to Detailing

    Sweet, yoshi! What model # is it?
  12. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter

    K 5.68m
  13. kdude

    kdude Jedi Nuba

    I bought the same one about three months ago .. i use it almost every day and it works perfectly .... enjoy yours..
  14. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter

    i actually have sneaky suspicion that people are returning them after using em once and costco reshelved em. I had some water inside the packaging lol. But yeah worked like a charm and getting a better foam cannon attachment from Ken once he gets back to the shop and checks if it has variable pressure for me :D
    The one it came with had a bit of sudding issues, real weak foam and a real small container. :(
  15. bakchoi

    bakchoi Birth of a Detailer

    how you like those towels? i touched them at costco and it feels "stiff" compared to the ones they had couple years ago.
  16. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter

    havent opened em yet, im gonna throw them in the washer first tho. Theyre not touching the paintwork, only rims/tires/interior/etc. I have no faith in costco towels on my pain lol, i got my CG ones for that. If u want to grab a few costco mf to try, tell me.
  17. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter

    to illustrate the fail foam attachment...


    thats all the suds that the darn foam attachment that it came with gives with CG Citrus Gloss works + some poorboys APC mixture lol
    yes theyre not the most suddable solution but the capacity of the foam attachment is just crap

    and apparently i have a whole panel of dirt that the pressure washer couldnt lift (or the sudding wasnt good enough) as i was saving time and got lazy and didnt sponge up the car lol
  18. jjl

    jjl Birth of a Detailer

    Keep it for apc wax/sealant removal use me thinks. Most of the comments on the reviews seem to pertain to it tipping over, which I can see happening. Is the hose length good enough you don't have to move it around? I really need to pick this up soon.
  19. kdude

    kdude Jedi Nuba

    If you have the press washer unit within two feet of the rear of the car then you can easily go around the car with little fuss... the hose is long enough. Actually the whole design of the unit is really good. The only sm. issue i have with mine is that the mechanism to regulate the pressure does not work too well... All in all its a good unit and worth the Costco price with excellent return policy...
  20. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter

    the cord is actually long enough to go around the car as long as the unit is like 2 feet away from the car (didnt tip over for me as i pulled the hose all out first)
    what i have found is that cuz im using the gardening quick release connections, it leaks water cuz the connection isnt tight enough. There is a thing with the pressure kick when you press the trigger at first everytime cuz of motor start up which i find annoying but meh i can live with it.

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