Personal Sale, clearing out just a few things...wax addicts come in!

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by MartinD, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. MartinD

    MartinD DB Certified Manufacturer

    Thanks guys, glad UPS didn't drop them :)
  2. MartinD

    MartinD DB Certified Manufacturer

    Swissvax Insignis 2.0? Anybody want it? PM me. I will make you a killer deal you cannot refuse.
  3. MartinD

    MartinD DB Certified Manufacturer

    ​Solution Finish 12oz (New) - $75 shipped
  4. Swanicyouth

    Swanicyouth Two Bucket System Washer

    Martin, just Paty Pal'ed you for Souveran. My garage is filling slowly with all your old stuff. Thanks again.
  5. 95oRANGEcRUSH

    95oRANGEcRUSH Virgin Detailer

  6. MartinD

    MartinD DB Certified Manufacturer

    Thanks! :)
  7. MartinD

    MartinD DB Certified Manufacturer

    Chemical Guys Lava 75% left- $35 shipped
  8. Swanicyouth

    Swanicyouth Two Bucket System Washer

    [​IMG]Received the Souveran and Martin included a freebie. A new can of RimWax. Check it out! Thanks bro. It will all go to good use.
  9. MartinD

    MartinD DB Certified Manufacturer

    Glad to hear you will use it :) Thanks as always for the business!
  10. Swanicyouth

    Swanicyouth Two Bucket System Washer

    If you still have the Lava Thurs of next week, I'll take it. Need to get paid before I spend any more cash on detailing supplies.
  11. boredstudent3

    boredstudent3 Wax on..Wax off

    I think Marc Elsworth was looking for one of these...he posted this on his FB Sept 10.
  12. MartinD

    MartinD DB Certified Manufacturer

    Still have a lot of this stuff, anyone want it?
  13. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    for free, I am in :thud:
  14. Peacemaker

    Peacemaker Two Bucket System Washer

    i wants a bunch of things, but kind of out of my budget right now... :(
  15. Swanicyouth

    Swanicyouth Two Bucket System Washer

    Well, I'm sure doing my part!

    This is a great way to try stuff you have never tried for a fraction of the cost. I topped my M Roadster with the Souveran you sent me (Glasur underneath) . iPhone Pic in the garage:


    FYI Lava is going to a good home (mine). What made you give up all these products? Is it because your going all AF?
  16. john baker

    john baker Birth of a Detailer

    is your list of products still current?
  17. MartinD

    MartinD DB Certified Manufacturer

    The original post is current.
  18. MartinD

    MartinD DB Certified Manufacturer

    Zymol Vintage Pot - new never used. Anyone want a smoking deal? Email or PM.
  19. ziggo99

    ziggo99 Birth of a Detailer

    So much stuff....just have no clue exactly what I want!
  20. MartinD

    MartinD DB Certified Manufacturer

    luke093 please clear PMs

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