Optium vs Poor boys swirl removers

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by Faber, May 13, 2008.

  1. budman3

    budman3 Birth of a Detailer

    That link is a big lie, just think about it, how can a product create pits and then have another one make them disappear? Time to raise the BS flag. Pitting is solvent pop, due to a crappy paint job. Polishing makes this more visible and I assume the pittind disappeared because of the oils in the Optimum, making it look like the craters / pits were gone when infact they are a paint defect having nothing to do with any polish.

    FWIW, the SSR line is hard to beat via PC. I do not care for the Optimum line with PC, they are better suited via Rotary because of their long working times. They will work with a PC but the SSRs will get the job done easier and faster.
  2. distrbd

    distrbd New Member

    Amen,:mounty:thanks for recognizing an Autopian lie when you saw one ,I also have used SSR 2.5 and a white polishing pad without any problem what so ever,and the car I used this great product on?,,,,2007 Honda Civic.
  3. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing

    Shrug. I'd suspect that it could be an agenda of someone's if it was just one user mentioning the problem over and over, but it's not.

  4. budman3

    budman3 Birth of a Detailer

    In this thread (http://www.autopia.org/forum/detail...lp-still-get-pits-mini-craters-polishing.html) the OP to the other thread discusses the pitting after using Optimum. Again I believe that it is due to a crappy paint job rather than polishes creating issues. As for the comments by Patrick, well, they are just that ... comments -- no picture proof or anything. Also, it's funny how the pits just appeared when Patrick was using SSR2.5 but they magically disappeared after using the Optimum ... interesting :shrug:. Again, you can't trust everyone online. Also its kind of strange that only 1-2 people notice such a phenomenon while hundreds of others haven't noticed it.

    Here is the best that I can do as far as picture wise. The paint on my Jeep is terrible to say the least. The hood has begin to get checking (clear coat cracks) and the tops of the fenders have the pits / craters, whatever you'd like due to a poor paint job. As you can see in the before picture there is some swirling but you can also see the pits. After polishing (with SSR2.5, polishing pad and UDM) the pits are more visible than before polishing and after two 50/50 wipedowns. And of course the swirls are gone as well:


  5. fobe46

    fobe46 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    sorry to thread jack.. but which do you guys prefer when polishing a black bmw? I have the pc as well.. Thanks!

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