I just got off the phone with Dr. G after placing another nice Opti Coat order. I was talking to him about how long the product will last, I must have misunderstood him when I talked to him several months ago. He is saying if the product is kept in the syringe that it comes in that it will last indefinitely. That is why it is in the syringe now. When the product first came out they put it in a spray bottle, the spray bottle was letting in air and moisture and the product wouldn't last long. Now that it is in a syringe, now air or moisture gets into it, so it will last indefinitely. Thought I would pass the information along to you guys!
Going by his statement, do you think he can put a couple in 20cc syringes for people who are splitting it? I don't want to split then have one have less of a life in it
Hello People, Glad to see you like the product Jutzang it's been awhile in the making! Reviews such as yours justify some of the negative comments I got when I first started working with Doctor G on this product. In regards to price. We charge $150 dollars on top of any paint correction. So if it costs the client $300 0r more to correct their paint the coating is an additional $150. Of course it's more if it's a larger vehicle. I will put up a video of application, we already have videos of me applying it using various methods but the video didn't come out well. So when we film again I'll post it. Anthony
That shouldn't be a problem. I could also ask him to send an empy syringe. The syringes already have the measurements on them.
That is cool that you responded to this Anthony! I will just telling David that you should post up a video on how to apply it.
wow that's great that it lasts that long but is that also if you use it an than store it to or only if never used? great to see you over here ant i try opt but not as crowded as i thought, but good to get from both sides.
Oh, I meant ask him to just put 20cc into each cylinder. I don't want the air to touch it lets say :crasy:
That shouldn't be a problem, just let me know a little in advance so I can have it made when you are ready to order.
I will have some more in stock tomorrow. I ship it USPS Priority, so it only takes 2-3 days to get to you after I ship it.
A friend of mine just got his 40cc an i must say very impressed an really is easy to use unless you get it where you don't want it than it can be a real pain to get off. an double work to get it back to the look it was before the opti coat was on but man this stuff does what the other coatings i have used do but 10 times easier.
If you remembered I already asked him for 10cc syringes a while back. This way we get 4 full applications and even less "air" exposure. I think you just like bugging sponsors for no reason. hahaha :catfight:
Its raining hard which means beading . Hurry and get that Jetta for your sis lol, perfect time to buy at the end of this month
Honestly . . . with a syringe, you'd probably get less air exposure with a single 40cc syringe than 4x 10cc syringes. Just make sure there's no air left in the tip of the syringe before capping it. Dave
I know I know haha after finals next week the search is on. I am sure you know what I mean. Trying to catch up on all the work I am behind on ughh.. :graduation: