No show!

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Frankastic, Nov 17, 2011.

  1. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    I agree that a text is not the best, however it is a WRITTEN record of what was said, when it was said/sent so there can be no mistake. I have had clients even tell me "Oh I did not get your text" then I reply "Possibly but the e-mail you did as I put a read reciept on it" oops................. I also set a clear procedure for the appointment by saying the following "To avoid a cancellation fee and/or be re-scheduled farther out as I am in demand please give me a 24 hour notice to cancel, I mean what happens for some people they get "Buyers remorse" or are cheap and the cheapness overwhelmes thier ability to be up front with someone and cancel right away even if they use a lame excuse.

    This problem stems from people getting away with treating others badly as there is no "Price to pay" eg: if you reserve a hall for a banquet/wedding etc...... and cancel..............your banged for the deposit as it is NON refundable, cancel on your dentist......................banged for a fee, doctor visit no is flying out of your pocket

    This is so common that a thread was posted about it, and the economy has brought out hoardes of "Cheapos" who also do this stuff for fun....I s**t you not.
  2. Frankastic

    Frankastic Detail Photographer

    O guess who called ?! Mr. customer called said his sorry and like to reschedule. so I did....
  3. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    I understand that a text is a written proof, but not all businesses operate with Cell phones. This is why I personally think a phone call is best, second only to a face-to-face conversation. I text some of my regular clients, I won't deny that, but when I have a new client, or someone who is a referral, I only go about it via vocal conversations or emails (if that was their initial form of contact).

    I also agree on your "punishment" by refusing to service him. I see it all the time: people who think that because they have the money, they have the bigger end of the stick. I may not have a business course/degree, but my common sense tells me that in any form of business transaction, both parties want something of equal value from the other. Neither is doing the other a favor by "allowing" the other to do anything, or giving them services. In fact, if anything, the client has the short end of the stick, as they came to you/me...we did not chase them down. They want what we have, and are offering us money for our services. I am fortunate enough to have another job during the week that covers all my expenses, and that I live well off of, that I can really tell a client that in all honesty "I don't need a**hole clients like you" should I feel it needed (I've done it before).This may seem harsh, or Douchebaggy, but I cannot explain it any other way.

    I'd also like to note that I do not use the cancellation fee to scare a client into coming, but more as an indemnification for me, should there be a no-show, to cover my minimum fees of actually getting there and getting the space and products ready for the client, and I make this clear to them.
  4. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    I establish this at the time of making the appointment and clearly lay out my confirmation and cancellation procedures, if they do not have a cell I e-mail and leave a voice message, also a reason for a text is that it is less intrusive as I like to confirm between 6:00PM-8:00PM the evening before and most people are having a meal or returning e-mails etc....... and a text is a quick way to get that across as most of my clients work in the Silicon Valley and have a smart phone of some type(95% have iphones lol) they get the e-mail and text right at thier hip at the same time and being that it is right before the next days appointment it reminds them.

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