need advice on abrasive polish

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by distrbd, Oct 20, 2007.

  1. distrbd

    distrbd New Member

    Thanks for your suggestion Sneek ,when you mentioned Mo2 being a mild polish/cleaner I got curious because I wanted to try the least abrasive OTC polish first and then take it from there .
    I tried it on the scratches and sure enough it was just the perfect polish for that job.
    I must say this forum gave me the most practical and the best replies in terms of quality and quantity,now you guys got me hooked and will have a hard time getting rid of me:D
    Thank you all for being there when I needed you.
  2. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    :D No problem, glad to hear everything worked out for you. You were able to get it ready for wax without any further polishing right? Many people over look great polishes like M02, just because they are Meguiar's or just because they are over the counter.

    I just wanted to post as a note, that the older formula is not ment to be used by PC. So if you have any old bottles around, make sure they don't have a section about application. Some bottles still have this warning, but are the new formula. Meguiar's Canada got a tad behing on the labeling. Autoparts stores most likey have the newest formula because they changed it about 2 or 3 years ago. I don't know this for a fact, but i think the tan bottles with the black lids are fairly new. It is just a theme I have noticed with my Meguiar's products.
  3. distrbd

    distrbd New Member

    I saw no reason to go over it with a milder polish,went straight to wax .
    The bottle I got must have been the newer formula for PC(rotary) use.
  4. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    thanks for your replay nica
  5. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Happy to help, I hope I helped. As you can see I'm a chatter box...bla, bla, bla...yup that's me :eek: ask a simple question and I'll probably forget the question and talk about somethign way off topic hahahaha..sorry.
  6. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    I am going to go by the local autobody supply store and pick up some megs pads and try them out. I just played around with 85rd last night on my black vette again and learned some tricks with white ccs pads, results are the best I have had yet.
  7. Nica

    Nica Banned

    I'm a big fan of Menzerna, it dusts a bit but not a big deal. The CCS pads I haven't used yet, supposedly the CCS pads are designed so the polish stays on the surface and it dosen't get absorbed in to the pad.

    What's your opinion on the CCS Pads? Sorry for the off topic question :eek:
  8. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    I really like them, it seems they seem to produce the right heat to break down the Menzerna. I would feel my vette and the pad after doing an area and they both felt about the same. hat is when I got the best result. I hate trying anything on my vette since its new but both of my dailey drivers were dirty. i going to try the samething but with 106ff on maxima later today to see if the same results can be achieved. I can see a difference between the 106 and 85rd on the vette, but I didnt check the pad as closely as I did this time. You arent the only one that is chatty. I could problem go into to this a little deeper, but I think I explained it pretty well. Sip is next to try with different heat ranges by feel. I have a heat gun so I might check that way to see what the best temps are for these products.
  9. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thanks for the info Asphalt, one thing I noticed about Menzerna is that it seems to love the heat. I'd like to hear more about what you find out though. When you do use the SIP post it up buddy if you don't mind. Always enjoy hearing feed back from other users, alwyas learn somethign new.
  10. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    haha, no love for the 1Z. Nica...when chris sends me my order you can come over! I seriously cannot get enough of the 1Z line, they are fantastic!
  11. Nica

    Nica Banned

    You know what I've never used the 1Z line, I should give it a try. We should trade, I'll give you some Menzerna and you give me some of your 1Z line...heck we could get together in my garage I'm sure I'll have a vehicle to detail anyway..;) well if you have time that is.

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