Huh, looks like no one entered the competition for the month of July huh :shead: Maybe I need to up the prices...:thinking:
Awesome stuff Nica, I am actually practically speechless at the moment and don't know what to say... Big THANK YOU to Nica and anyone else who might be involved, without the knowledge, friendly advice and inspiration from Detailing Bliss I don't think we could have made it this far :worship2: Here's a big THANK YOU to everyone who contributes and to Nica for hosting the forum and running the monthly competitions :applause:
I just realized I didn't post the winner for the month of September, sorry about that. The winner for hte month of September is: scheerspeed Congrats and you got PM :thumb:
Sorry for the delay guys but the winner for the month of October is: richy Congrats richy and you got PM
YIPPIE!!! Congrats RICHY!!!!!!:applause::worship2::applause2::thumb: :sorry: to hear about the kids!:shakehead:
All entries for December are now accounted for and I'm just waiting for all votes to be in so that I can announce the winner. Stay tooned :thumb:
Well all the votes are now in and the winner for the Month of December is: P1et Congrats :applause: :applause: You've got a PM, please reply when you get a chance eace: