Metabo users...

Discussion in 'Tools - Machine Polishers, Pressure Washers, Detai' started by Nica, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. ampbmw

    ampbmw DB Forum Supporter

    I wish I had 1 at least, i'm lone ranger most of the time.

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    You know what? I used it on the Scion and it wasnt hot at all?
    But mine didnt either until I logged some more hours on it!

    Ill report back!

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    I only have thermal shutdown when I use 6.5 pads and up. I normally use 5.5 or smaller, in that case it only gets hot.
  4. HAN

    HAN Birth of a Detailer

    would anyone that owns a metabo see a reason to own a Makita instead, due to the overheating issues? I am going to be getting one or the other soon, just want some feedback...
  5. maesal

    maesal Birth of a Detailer

    If you operate the Metabo between 2 and 6, it will run perfect, no problem at all.
  6. gmblack3

    gmblack3 Top 9 detailer in the US to serve you in Atlanta

    Mine is starting to act up more and more as of late. It did on the black lexus as I noted in that thread. After 6 hours of heavy compounding. Then the other day I was using the metabo with ZPC on a 3M blue foam pad. Just a one step polish on my legend. About an hour into the polishing it went into thermal shutdown again. I finished with the hitachi. If the metabo starts doing this often, it will get sent in for warranty.
  7. maesal

    maesal Birth of a Detailer

    What speed did you use? Have you applied pressure?
  8. gmblack3

    gmblack3 Top 9 detailer in the US to serve you in Atlanta

    1500 with ZPC, pressure for a few passes and then no pressure at 1500 to finish up. Paint was clean from claying using Z6.
  9. maesal

    maesal Birth of a Detailer

    My god, it's quite strange...
  10. gmblack3

    gmblack3 Top 9 detailer in the US to serve you in Atlanta

    Seemed like it was pretty much fine except for 2 times during a long day of heavy polishing. Not sure what was going on the other day with the easy polishing of my car. It was only 55°f in the garage. I have had it since April and polished 22 cars with it.
  11. maesal

    maesal Birth of a Detailer

    I have mine for ~2 years and I polished around 150 cars with it. I only had problems at the beginning because I operated the machine at very low speed and some pressure. Now, I use it at ~1500-1800 rpm and it works superb. Then, I finish around 1000 rpm withouth any pressure.
  12. Rydawg

    Rydawg Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Mine also did the same thing when I first got it. When on lower speeds, it is more prone to overheat. On higher speeds it barely does it.

    At first when I bought it, I hated it. To me it was like a little toy and too light. But after using it for a long time, I do love it.

    My Hitachi is broken again.
  13. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Rydawg, I agree with you on feeling like a toy, when I used Dans's(D&D) it just felt too light . I like the weight of my two B&D buffers and are over 20 years old and never let me down. Maybe with a little more use to get used to the Metabo I might get one, that would be after one of my buffers lets me down.
  14. FMINUS

    FMINUS DB Pro Supporter

    Use 5.5 pads, a good cord and keep it away from low speeds and you should be good.

    I always have a backup!

  15. Rydawg

    Rydawg Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I had a lot of old B&D's many years ago and loved them. I still went through 1 a year, but had them under warranty through Grainger and they would just replace them. I put them through a LOT of torture with beat up cars that I used to do.

    I love how smooth my Hitachi is, but I hate the issues it has from time to time.

    I do love the Metabo now and find it works superb after it is broken in. I love how it distributes even pressure.
  16. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    The only problems I have had was getting the cord caught and watching it go across my friends custom paint shop. They have held up from wet sanding and buffing over a couple of thousand show and race cars so I cant complain. I guess I will have to call Phil and get a Metabo and join the club.
  17. maesal

    maesal Birth of a Detailer

    This is a nice backup :yippie:
    I used this LC low profile pads this weekend and I liked them. There isn't any problem about using pads with more diameter. I normally use 6" or 6.5" pads like 3M 09550 or Meguiars, or Propel 2. And I also use Propel 1 pads, wich are 7" and everything works perfect.
  18. blk45

    blk45 Jedi Nuba

    Nica, what are your thoughts on the Makita? I'm trying to decide which rotary to purchase. Thanks.
  19. Nica

    Nica Banned

    After using the Makita on a few vehicles for paint correction I'm very pleased with the Makita. One positive thing compared to the Metabo is that the Makita will never overheat, it will take a beating and keep on going, specially with large wool pad. Mind you the Metabo overheats if you don't use it properly, example would be using it with large pads, large wool pads.

    I personaly wouldn't say I would choose the Makita over the Metabo, I really like the Metabo, it feels so confortable on your hands it's like as though it's an extension of your arms, the Makita is a great tool and once you get the hang of it it's really easy to use. What I'm doing now is that if I get a vehicle with lots of sexy curves I go with the Metabo, but if I get a vehicle with a few curves I'll go with the Makita :shrug: that's just my excuse to have them both :giggle: :giggle:

    Hope the feed back helps, but that's just my :2cents: on the machines.
  20. blk45

    blk45 Jedi Nuba

    Thanks Nica! That's just the info I'm looking for.

    It seems like we all have excuses for our detailing supplies/equipment! :006:

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