MacBook Pro

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Nica, Jun 13, 2008.

  1. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Um...I've been using the Mac and the iMovie is wicked, best of all the camcorder is a plug and play :woo: :woo: same with the the Cannon XTi Rebel :thumb:

    Um..anyone know anything about iMovie? It's easy to use but can it save in different formats, oh I don't know say WMP? oh wait this is a Mac hmm...:shead: well anyone? Man I love google, hope I can find something there :computer:
  2. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Ah...never mind I got it :thumb: man google is wicked...and the iMovie is just wicked :wicked: :wicked:
  3. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    Aren't they working on that? I thought that Leopard was going to be released for PC's.

    Nica, why not convert to AVI or an mpg?
  4. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Yea, I was trying to do that but I couldn't get it..well I think I got it to work but I need to figuire out the quality now...:shead:...well I'll just have to play around with it :shrug:
  5. Paul Dalton aka Miracle

    Paul Dalton aka Miracle DB Pro Supporter


    Do you want some settings to work with? I'll email you some.

  6. Nica

    Nica Banned

    :nod: Yes please...whacha got Paul? E-mail away :thumb:
  7. Paul Dalton aka Miracle

    Paul Dalton aka Miracle DB Pro Supporter

  8. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thank you for the info, very much appreciated :peace:
  9. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    I just got my mac book, I found one on ebay for 700 bucks, Its a about a year old but in great shape. I would never know it was used, not a scratch,

    Im still getting used to it but im just excited to get it.... if i like it in a year or two i will buy a mac book pro. We will see.
  10. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Nice Mac buddies...hmm..sneek has a mac, I got a mac now you got a mac..I say we get together and bring our mac's hahahaha :lol2:

    On a serious note, congrats Calgary :applause: you'll be pleased with the mac, I can't belave how easy things are on it..and I'm really enjoying the 17inch :worship2:
  11. Nica

    Nica Banned

    You know what I just noticed, now maybe I'm not seeing it but I just realized that the Mac dosent have a "delete" button like the PC does.

    I mean it does have a delete button but it behaves like the backspace button the the PC...or am I not seeing it on the key pad of the MacBook Pro? :confused:

    The other thing I'm having a hard time adjusting is where things are saved? I feel as though the Mac has things all over the place, kind hard for me to keep track where everything is, I'm slowly getting to know where things are or where I'm saving things but if anyone has any tips that may help me here I'd love to hear them :peace:
  12. Mindflux

    Mindflux Welcome to Detailing


    Well you are on a laptop and I don't recall many laptops with the delete button (the one near the 10 key touch).

    You can use function-delete (backspace to PC users) if you are trying to delete out something in the middle of a sentence.

    "Pretend I want to delete this sentence"
    ------------------^ if you pressed fn-del here you'd delete the t then the o then the space, then the d and so on.

    Documents should be stored under your home/documents directory(folder). It's not much different than how Windows stores them truthfully.
  13. mb43

    mb43 Obsessive Detailer

    Are you talking about saving documents such as a word processor document, or saving files downloaded from the internet?
  14. Nica

    Nica Banned

    No, I was doing things completely wrong...a co-worker and I purchased the same computer brought it in and he gave me some tips on how to use it and how programs are installed for Mac's. Very helpful oh and how to properly save files on folders I choose.

    mb43, well it was a combination of both. Files I downloaded and so on I had no idea where I was placing them but now I have an idea of what I was doing to the poor Mac :shakhead:

    I appreciate the help though :peace:

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