Let's post pics of Wolf's Nano Sealant - Body Wrap

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by detailersdomain, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. dr.jay

    dr.jay Birth of a Detailer

    Cheers Jay, thanks for the support, buddy! Glad you like the wheel cleaner! Which one do you have?[/QUOTE]

    The WF-1NT
  2. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter





    Heres that 1M Bob was referring too: pending writeup

  3. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    those look great!
  4. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    Meant water spots with dust in them sorry for the confusion Jesse. Well I just did distilled water wipe down with some DI ultra plush microfibers when I sprayed it down it beaded crazy, I guess it really wasnt affected... but who knows this is my first time using it and your the expert not me LOL. I then applied a second coat after the distilled water wipe down so hopefully it holds up for me I am pretty sure it will. Oh and this time I applied it with a small piece of a clean low nap microfiber that I cut. I found it spreads alot easier this way and makes Bodywrap go a longer way than when applied with the cotton makeup pads:) I will let you know when I wash it this up coming week what happens.

    Here are the photos from the second coat I just applied about an hour ago. Sorry for the low quality. Went back to the carwash because I have our ML 350 in the garage right since its clean and I didn't want to take it out to put the mustang in and risk getting it dusty due to El Paso's unpredictable weather. So I applied the second coat of Bodywrap under the car port at the carwash up the street.

  5. Wolfs Chemicals

    Wolfs Chemicals DB Certified Manufacturer

    Everything looks nice and glossy to me! :)
  6. Wolfs Chemicals

    Wolfs Chemicals DB Certified Manufacturer

    The WF-1NT[/QUOTE]

    Ahh glad you like it! The first time The Wolf showed this products to me I was floored! I also use it on my ceramic sinks, tiles and and faucets at home :D
  7. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    Yea wheres my residual check huh?

    Kidding, the Wolfman knows quality products!
  8. Wolfs Chemicals

    Wolfs Chemicals DB Certified Manufacturer

    Da check is in da mail!! :D
  9. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    so last week I cleaned the S up and applied BW on my car, looked great...then wanted to mess around with it a little more. Asked Jesse if I can put another coat on, he said yes... then I asked if I can apply it with a PC with an Uber Black Pad, Jesse said yes. Boy oh boy this product is awesome and with a PC even easier to use!

  10. john baker

    john baker Birth of a Detailer

    what was your procedure to use bw with da?
  11. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    easy 2-3 drops of the wolfs on an uber black pad, start on 3 and work it in on 4-5.

    get it so it's just about dry then move on to the next panel do the same. eventually there will be enough product on the pad.

    go back after 10-15 minutes and buff to a crazy mirror reflection....

    I think the da will set up the BW quicker, I'm sure Jesse can chime in.
  12. Chaseme

    Chaseme DB Forum Supporter

    Reflection shots are blowing me away in this thread.
  13. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    well, looks like this will be going on my new truck................
  14. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    If you look at my van I did I used a Gold LC pad and my Griots Garage DA to apply. I asked Jesse he said he hasn't heard anyone use a DA but he didn't see why it would work. I first used 5 SMALL dots on the pad then it got less. It was so easy to apply and even on white you could see when it was starting to dry and you needed to add more.
  15. john baker

    john baker Birth of a Detailer

    tried that today on a hood,a few drops on a black foam pad and worked it in.i was amazed how far i could take a few drops.hopefully jesse will chime in on this application
  16. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    he will chime in, I spoke to him about this on Friday.
  17. Wolfs Chemicals

    Wolfs Chemicals DB Certified Manufacturer

    I've never tried it with a DA, but I have with a rotary. You have to use it very sparingly so you don't get splatter, but man the results are sick... I've also applied it with some cotton applicators and then used a finishing pad and rotary to remove the residue... incredible again :)! I think it just gets shinier and shinier as you buff it. Kind of like when waxes say, "Buff to a brilliant shine!" I'll try it with a DA tomorrow and see how it goes!
  18. Danny

    Danny Nuba Guru

    Jess will let us know what your procedure is as well, as how many drop you put on the pad, thanks:)
  19. Chaseme

    Chaseme DB Forum Supporter

    Jesse, cotton pad? Don't the fibers pull out and start sticking everywhere?
  20. nyrep1

    nyrep1 Obsessive Detailer

    yeah that was my question

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