Klima-Cleaner Advanced Application

Discussion in 'Interior Car Care' started by Michael@nextzett, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. Michael@nextzett

    Michael@nextzett DB Certified Manufacturer

    Hey gang! Sorry it's been too long since I've been on here. Hope you all had a great summer.

    Just did a write-up showing how to apply Klima-Cleaner the way mechanics at the dealership do it. It's the most direct way to the evaporator, the heart of the air conditioner system and the source of odor causing bacteria, mold, and fungi. But it requires some skills to take apart trim and re-assemble. So, please be warned that this is not an easy process and we take no responsibility if you goof up, etc, etc - sorry, had to mention that!

    If you have any questions, please let me know!



    1 Read directions completely before application. Please do this so you have an idea of what to expect.

    2 Turn off vehicle power.

    3 Remove glove box to access blower fan.

    Remove glove box to access blower. Pollen filter tray was
    removed allowing for a view of the blower fan.

    Once glove box is removed, you can decide between two options. 1) Remove blower fan to have open access to ducting that leads directly to evaporator (blue highlighted area in Diagram) or 2) you can insert the Klima-Cleaner tube through the fins of the of the blower fan. For this procedure, we chose option 2 which you can see from the pictures that follow.

    4 If you remove the blower fan, you can move on to the next step. If you choose to insert the tube through the fins of the blower fan, you might have to remove the pollen and dust filter (also called the cabin air filter) in order to have access. This might be located in a tray directly above the blower fan.

    5 Shake Klima-Cleaner can to ensure proper foaming of product when dispensed. Attach the supplied application tube to the can.

    6 Insert tube through fin of blower fan or if you've removed the blower motor, just insert the tube into ducting. Feed tube until you can go no further.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    For this procedure, we chose to insert the tube through the fins of the blower fan

    7 Press trigger to dispense entire contents of can - about 2 minutes. While dispensing, hold can as upright as possible. DO NOT invert can. As you spray, the thick foam solution will spray on to the evaporator and surrounding evaporator housing.

    8 After dispensing product, wait 20 minutes for product to clean the system. During this time re-install all components such as the blower (if removed), pollen filter (if removed) and glove box. You'll also notice at this time that the product will be draining from underneath the car.

    After foam condenses, cleaning solution will drain
    through the drain tube of the evaporator housing.

    9 After the 20 minutes are complete, open windows to allow fresh air to enter vehicle. Turn on fan to maximum setting with A/C setting in ON position for approximately 1 minute to dry system.

    Procedure is now complete!


    Treat your system once a year or as necessary to clean the air conditioning system and keep your cabin air clean, healthy and smelling fresh!
  2. Stokdgs

    Stokdgs Detail Master


    Have missed your posts but glad you are back here for a visit !
    Thanks for this Klima Cleaner info, it is great !
    I will look under our vehicles and see if I can locate what they are talking about. What kind of vehicle are those pictures from ?
    This product continues to perform just great each time I use it on a Client's car !
    Dan F
  3. Deep Gloss Auto Salon

    Deep Gloss Auto Salon DB Pro Supporter

    Hi Michael: Good to see you around...

    I love this product and so do my customers. I only have to "sell" this treatment once, after that it is requested by the customer.

    For those that haven't used this YOU NEED TO...

    If you only do your personal cars you will love it

    If you detail for money, this is one of the easiest and profitable upsells around!
  4. Michael@nextzett

    Michael@nextzett DB Certified Manufacturer

    Thanks guys!

    Dan, the system layout drawing is from an Audi A4. This particular car is a 2007 Infiniti G35.

    Here's a picture from a Scion tC which is the same layout as toyota's and lexus. Again, system very similar with blower located behind glove box.

    Yes, this is a great upsell item!

    Attached Files:

  5. effisperbVell

    effisperbVell Virgin Detailer

    Used the Rag Topp today.....cleaner works very well also has uv protection. agree you need windless day to apply unless you have a garage......but its good stuff
  6. brk4euros

    brk4euros DB Pro Supporter

    Thanks for the info Michael!

    -Chris from CE Detail
  7. IID

    IID DB Forum Supporter

    Michael,so this is the process for most/some cars out there? Chrysler 300C SRT Design ??
  8. IID

    IID DB Forum Supporter

    Maybe this should be a sticky?
  9. Kaleo

    Kaleo DB Forum Supporter

    I too love this product! In my Tundra I just insert the tube straight into the right side vent and it works just as described! When I used this along with Sonax Dashboard cleaner to clean the panels inside, the interior of the truck smells so sanitary almost like a hospital with a slight citrus scent!

    I know on other forums the question has been asked, but is it necessary to use the entire can for one application or can we get away with say only half? I've used it about three times in my truck over the past two years and each time i've always emptied the can. It would be nice to know if I could that way I could stretch the product a bit further as it costs a pretty penny to get those things down here to Hawai'i.
  10. rwisejr

    rwisejr DB Forum Supporter

    Thanks for sharing the very detailed and proper use. Of this wonderful product. Love this stuff. You also reminded me that I need to place an order for some.
  11. GDAL

    GDAL Super Moderator

    I used a full can for my 1st treatment. I follow up with half a can every 4-6 months.
  12. JSF721

    JSF721 Jedi Nuba

    Any chance you use a thinner version that can be shot into the vents on the ontake area to avoid the disassembly of the car. Not all of us are that handy or comfortable taking their car apart.
  13. Michael@nextzett

    Michael@nextzett DB Certified Manufacturer

    Thanks for all your comments and questions!

    Unfortunately we don't have a complete database of vehicle makes and models. I have seen random postings of customers having good results on Chryslers but not sure if it was a 300C. Typically, the systems are very similar.

    I can tell you that BMW is very similar to the Audi and Infiniti. If anybody needs the layout for Porsche, I do have them for recent models.

    I feel for you. Aerosols are a real pain in the wallet when it comes to shipping overseas. Unfortunately, a full can is needed when you are applying on a truck/SUV - the ducting tends to be longer so using the full can is highly advised. On a car you can get away with a half can - although the results are not guaranteed.

    The easiest way is to apply it is through the vents as we describe on the product instructions and here: http://www.1z-usa.com/klima-cleaner_application.html

    FYI, don't apply it through the fresh air vents on the exterior of the car because it will do nothing but saturate the blower and if there's a pollen filter, it'll saturate that too.

    However, if you're still uncertain about either application method, we do have a more simple solution which will be available soon. Stay tuned... :)

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