Just tested Meg's 105....

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by Al-53, May 1, 2008.

  1. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    OK, so is M105 supposed to be like X3 in that you can do full correction w/it via different foam and wool pads??
  2. gmblack3

    gmblack3 Top 9 detailer in the US to serve you in Atlanta

    Pick it up off the paint with your spinning pad. This helps alot with the gumming up problem.
  3. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    exactly right...lay a bead on the paint and pick it up...I tried both ways....on the pad and on the paint..the paint works best....I used a LC foamed wool the last time I used it and worked great...\
    I used it about 5 times now..first time worked great..next time ok..third time gummed on me..so I went woth wool and a pick up method ..superb....

    weather and method are factors here

  4. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    So 105 works best with wool pad, so what foam pad is it best to work with??? And again, is this stuff like X3 in that it's supposed to be an all in one???
  5. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    No it is not an all in one, it is a compound. It was designed to work with wool. Some people are using it with foam, you will just have play with it a little to get it to work with a foam pad. How soon do you need help in finding a foam pad to work with it. I have a Lexus to do tomorrow and I will play with some foam pads to help you out and see which plays the best with it. I have always used wool with it without and problems but for you Dust I will try different pads on a section to see what works the best, but you will have to wait till tomorrow.
  6. Al-53

    Al-53 Welcome to Detailing

    Dust..the foam I used the first couple time was a LC white foam....I even took off paint transfers off with the combo....was latex paint from a back out of a garage and scraped the door on the way out...was pretty thick also...now it was dusting a little on this use....that was with a Flex also...the last 2 uses with a rotary with a LC foamed wool was so nice...

    OH...on the Flex use...I tried 6 at first.....dust and gummed..flashed to fast ..and I found that speed 4 works great with a flex..does not flash it fast and actully gives a little more time usage...

  7. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    Thanks rocket man, I'd appreciate that... but it might not help alot seeing that I use a flex, but none the less... I'm guessing nothing less than a white pad would have any effect

    Thanks Al, I use a flex so that's good to know. I have purple wool LC pad... what other wool pads work well with the flex??
  8. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Dust, I played around with the M105 with foam pads on a Lexus for you. I used a white and green CCS pad and had no gumming up at all. I have never had M105 gum up using a wool pad but tends to dust alittle. I applied the M105 directly to the foam pad and worked fine, the wool did produce better results though. If you have anymore questions just pm me.
  9. J_Edwards

    J_Edwards Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I have been using the Megs Yellow Solo pads with the 105 and it seems to be an awesome combo. I haven't had any gumming issues with it whatsoever, probably due to the diamond cell structure.

    Not as much cut as with the wool, but really effective and super easy to use.
  10. er1k

    er1k Obsessive Detailer

    I have a question, when you say you're testing a product out. Do you just test it out on a little part of your car? Do you follow it up with anything else?
  11. adriankeith

    adriankeith Birth of a Detailer

    came home from the free meguiars seminar they have here every saturday (in Irvine, CA) and he showcased quite a few products from their professional line and I was blown away. there's a lot of history behind Meg's products. he had M105 but didn't really get around to showing it off so I was curious to see if anyone had any info about this. thanks for posting your experiences!

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