just looking for paste waxes...sold off my collection to a customer so I need to restock... I can make just about any size amount...lmk what you have..doesn't have to be high end stuff...only liquid one i would want is liquid souveran or souveran spray...i also have a can of megs16 for trade...
I've got about 8oz of Liq Souveran I'd trade if interested. Also have some HT Black Carnuba 90% of a 8oz jar. Heath :eyebrow:
no thanks on the HT or Liquid souv...just got some liquid souv in a trade...i do however would like to update that I have a can of Megs 16 for trade as well
no thanks on the 180...used it before and didn't personally care for it...thanks for the offer though
Me either, I thought it was easy to use and smelled nice, but that about it. Didnt do anything nice for my silver car.
no thanks on max wax...just looking for some souveran now or lusso oro...i have pretty much got everything else i need...thanks a bunch for all the offers