Introducing'Paul Dalton's Crystal Rock Wax'

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by detailersdomain, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. Macmini

    Macmini Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    i do not have the exact formula, of course not as swissvax will never tell anyone what exactly is in the pudding, but this is what swissvax germany told me these days as i have divine myself and also was interested in pauls wax but they told me its close to my should i go and get it then?
  2. LanceM

    LanceM DB Forum Supporter

    hmm interesting
  3. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Macmini brings up good points, I mean in all honesty if I wanted to get a wax made up for my self to my satisfaction it can be just need to have the ca$hola to do it. Another way of looking at it is this, if I wanted to make my own wax with my own forumula with my own lab with my own scientists and what have you..that would take millions apon I'm not saying that Paul can't do that but at the same time why would you spend millions to re-event the wheel?

    I personaly think that Paul was smart and taged team with a winning team and that's what it's all about finding a team that suites you'r to the claim of Divine being close to Pauls wax, well I really doubt it but then again that is something that only Paul Dalton and Swissvax knows....I personaly will purhcase Paul's wax not becuase it's like Divine but I personaly feel Paul is a great role model to the detailing world and I'm more then happy to support those that try to improve the industry.

    Life is full of haters, I for one will try my best to not be a hater. I'll try it out first before I make my decision if it's good or not. I for one look forward on getting my hands on Pauls wax but that's just my :2cents:
  4. Pooter

    Pooter Birth of a Detailer


    Well said Carlos
  5. LanceM

    LanceM DB Forum Supporter

    well said
  6. Paul Dalton aka Miracle

    Paul Dalton aka Miracle DB Pro Supporter

    Hi Guys,

    As I have said in one of my previous posts...

    Swissvax have blended me a wax to my exact spec using both their expertise and my in-depth knowledge and application experience. This wax has evolved to create a shine, durability and beading that satisfies my requirements 100%.

    Kind Regards

    Here's a beading picture I took today....

  7. sneek

    sneek Nuba Guru

    woah that looks too cool!
  8. gmblack3

    gmblack3 Top 9 detailer in the US to serve you in Atlanta

    Nice beading Paul. How long has it been on the surface and what condtions is the paint subject to?

  9. Paul Dalton aka Miracle

    Paul Dalton aka Miracle DB Pro Supporter

    Its been on my Subaru for about 3 weeks so far, which has done about 2000 miles in rubbish english weather, with salt and mud on the roads. Washed 5 times.

    Its lasted a good 4 months so far on the Miracle van and that lives outside and gets washed twice a week.

    On various clients cars, I have seen that it can last anywhere between 3-6-12months depending on mileage and storage factors and obviously how they care for there car and which products they use.
  10. LanceM

    LanceM DB Forum Supporter

    cant wait
  11. VehicleDetail

    VehicleDetail Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Stunning pictures of the Ferrari Paul!

    Phil H
  12. Shea Luxury

    Shea Luxury Any Rag Vehicle Washer

  13. Shea Luxury

    Shea Luxury Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    About $500 cheaper...if I were to buy 2 tubs of PD's wax. :peace:
  14. klumzypinoy

    klumzypinoy Nuba Guru

    That's some insane beading!
  15. gmblack3

    gmblack3 Top 9 detailer in the US to serve you in Atlanta

    Thanks for the report Paul.
  16. Macmini

    Macmini Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    i said "basically"...and till now i indeed was very constructive and pretty straight forward, as i am talking about facts here cause i am just not one of these guys who follows every hype there is, i start questioning which is fair enough in my eyes ;)

    and of course pauls wax must be cheaper than the two divine tubs which retails at 1850 euros (2x200ml). if you go for quantity you'll defnitely be able to get a better price in return (ever heard of "demand and supply" ?)
    for instance: once my divine tubs are empty i can repurchase the next two tubs for round about 500 euros (currently)

    pauls wax is cheaper initially and i have no doubt it will be very very good as divine IS a damn good wax...but i am not talking about price here, i am talking about marketing - which all of this chrystal wax is about!

    just my 2 cents
  17. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Macmini, now you got me thinking...I thought the Chrystal tub was specifically made for Paul...I mean I know that if I wanted to purchase it Paul wont say no but as far as I understood the chrystal container was for him and for all those that have the ca$hola to purchase it..after all everything in this world has a price..I know that sounds bad but it's just the way the world is :shrug:
  18. tod071

    tod071 Birth of a Detailer

    Nica, I believe you are right too. But I think macmini is referring to the actual name of the wax, Crystal Rock Wax and not the Swarovski crystal box that it comes in. I'm still unsure of the price of Paul's personal crystal box though. I thought he said it was $10k, but I've been hearing $20k.

    If I wasn't currently renovating my house, I would seriously consider taking Paul up on his offer of personally delivering the wax, detailing my car, and showing me how to properly use it. Considering the costs of just flying someone here to Hawaii from the UK alone, the wax wouldn't cost that much...
  19. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Oh okay sorry, I was out of it then bad.

    As for the price it's 10,000.00 GBP so if you convert that to Canadian/American curency that's about $20,000.00 US/Canadian...well approximently.
  20. superstring

    superstring Virgin Detailer

    OK, the way I understand it is that Paul's PERSONAL container (made by Swarovski) is for sale for 10k GBP/~$20k CDN-USD (from Paul). Now maybe that's a gimmick to get everyone talking. If so, it's worked!!

    Maybe 10k GBP is what it cost to DEVELOP the wax and THAT'S why it's...
    Source: Miracle Detail

    The SAME wax in a PLASTIC container is for sale from Swissvax for 500 GBP/~$1000 CDN-USD. Doesn't seem THAT bad, in the grand scheme of things! :)

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