Interior windows streak free method

Discussion in 'Interior Car Care' started by godoman, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. godoman

    godoman Jedi Nuba

    I need to finally get the process down of making sure that I can do interior windows quickly and streak free and to also make sure there is no linting left behind from over used towels.

    current method tried is 2 towel method. one towel will be used to wipe away product that has been sprayed on the interior windows and second (dry) towel is used to buff away streaking.

    the biggest obstacle is always the windshield. need to make sure that when customers drive away it looks like they are driving in HD.

    any feedback and/or suggestions always greatly appreciated.

  2. Bunky

    Bunky DB Forum Supporter

    I use two towels as well but I also continue wiping after it appears gone. The alcohol ones flash off giving the appearance of dry (my opinion) but they can leave something behind.
  3. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    The two towel method is correct and will typically eliminate any streaking. I use waffle weave MF towels and rarely have any problems. If there is any residue or streaking, I use straight water to touch it up as using more cleaner will only compound the problem. You can also use a flashlight or halogen light to check the windows if you are working in a shop with poor lighting.
  4. godoman

    godoman Jedi Nuba

    I was appraoched by a mall location that wants my services in wash n wax and interior detailing which only involves vacuming and wipe Downs. They told me the previous detailed tried to pull it off but must have been in a rush because the customers kept complaining that Tue windows had streaking

    U can see why I ran to this thread when I was told this.

    Also, wanted to hear from u guys what approach I should take when doing ointeriors to make sure I am quick and efficient. These customers have higher end cars that r kept up well so I will not have many really roughed up rides. My plan of approach was to do the interior first. Would use air to blow out cracks amd crevices and from there would do light wipe down and make sure cup holders r sparkling

    From there I would follow with good vacuming, then wash and wax exterior, steam rims and dreess ties. Do door jambs and then go crazy making sure windows r sparkly

  5. Wheelz25

    Wheelz25 Jedi Nuba

    I use two towels, one surgical huck and one short nap MF or a WW glass towel. I think the key is to use the correct amount of product.

    First I will lightly mist the window, it shouldn't be dripping with cleaner. I use the surgical huck first and outline the window, then up and down, then side to side, then outline the window again. Then I will use the short nap MF or WW glass towel to lightly buff. With the second towel I can usually feel if there are streaks b/c it tends to grab at them if they are present. Checking in the sun or with a light is definitely a must. My guess is that the cars are in a parking garage (?) and then guy wasn't taking the time to double check the windows with a headlamp or such.

    As far as the other process Compress > vacuum > wipe down. When you compress debris is going to be everywhere so it will lengthen (time wise) the wipe down if you don't vacuum them up first.
  6. Stokdgs

    Stokdgs Detail Master

    godoman --
    What about using steam to clean out all the cracks and crevices instead of compressed air? It will definitely remove dust in places like the dash vents, all the tight areas around the steering wheel column where it goes into the dash, clean all the plastics, cupholders, etc., and you are only wiping up a little water, and of course all the gunk you have loosened up with the steam.
    Then when you vacuum as you leave the vehicle for the last time, (you already did the windows inside and maybe used steam on them too), any stuff that came out as a result of using the steam will be caught now, and then you are done.
    I believe you are already using steam on things like door jambs, and other places, so why not on everything else?

    I do it this way all the time and I hardly ever have to buy gallons of APC anymore, like I used to.

    Good luck with your business ! I am happy that another big Client is interested in your work at a Mall ! That is usually major exposure for your company !!!

    Dan F
  7. godoman

    godoman Jedi Nuba

    I don't like using steam on the interior unless it is to do the door jambs, the air vents or floor matts. I found out quickly that it leaves water all over. Not a big deal at all if doing the dash boars as that wipes down nicely but if u do steam on really messy cup holders the steam will dissolved junk but then immediately spray it vertically straight up out or the cup holder and stain the ceiling and that creates another mess
  8. Stokdgs

    Stokdgs Detail Master

    godoman -

    What kind of pressure are you using on your steamer inside the car? Sounds like it is way too high, if its blowing stuff from the console into the ceiling - wow !

    What I sometimes do with my little VX5000, is use the wand that only has 1 hole, and either put a towel over it or over the area Im cleaning out, put the end of the wand UNDER the towel, so that the gunk blows onto a towel where it is absorbed, and not anywhere else. Also, holding the wand a little farther away from the place you want cleaned will lessen the impact of the steam hitting the plastic, etc..

    Good luck with this !
    Dan F
  9. godoman

    godoman Jedi Nuba

    the preasure of the optima steamer is actually 105 psi and the preasure can not be adjusted, only the amount of water coming out in the form of steam. I also found that sometimes the steam will blast out areas like cup holder and spread the dried material in there and then it will re-dry in the area it was spread to like melted crayon. still comes out but you see the issue.

    no, expereice tells me that the steamer is good for spraying the dash and the floor matts as well as doing the air vents to refreshen the interior and that is it. it also works well on small coffee or coke stains in the upholstery as it disolves them and you wipe with a towel and issue solved.
  10. Stokdgs

    Stokdgs Detail Master

    godoman --

    Well, our experiences are different then, as I use mine to clean almost everything inside the vehicle, except for navigation screens, and I dont have the same results you get. I can also regulate the amount of steam to higher volume, and also add more water.
    I also find it invaluable to get that tight area that some vehicles have between the console and the seat, where invariably, a Latte' is spilled down the side.. :) And of course, getting under the seats at places that cant be reached, nothing works better for me there either.

    Dan F
  11. GloomyX

    GloomyX Birth of a Detailer

    what do you guys do when you come across a windshield that's really sloped (eg all the new civics). Do you still mist the glass and let the product drip all over the interior?
  12. Chaseme

    Chaseme DB Forum Supporter

    Put a few MF towels where the slope reaches the dask (this is where the product will drip).
  13. Stokdgs

    Stokdgs Detail Master

    Or put a cleaner sprayed microfiber on one of those triangular shaped window cleaners made by Stoners, etc., they even have them at Target, and spray the microfiber. This tool gets closest to the tight edge where the glass meets the inside trim molding better than anything else

    Dan F
  14. Wheelz25

    Wheelz25 Jedi Nuba

    if you mist the glass lightly enough there really should be much cleaner running down the window. or mist the top left side and clean that. then the lower left side. follow by the same on the right then follow with a towel across the whole window to "blend" the cleaned areas. This way there is less product on the window and less time for it to run down.

    I hate cars with windows like this, mainly coupes..its a pain to get into the right position and then of course once your just about done, you go and hit our forearm or elbow across it and leave a smudge.
  15. Kilo6_one

    Kilo6_one DB Forum Supporter

    I bought a bunch of Meguiars water magnets when they were on sale, I cut them in half and use those...... perfect results every time.
  16. Chaseme

    Chaseme DB Forum Supporter

    Only used it once but the new Uber Hi Tech Glass MF from Phil seem pretty sweet.

    Action shot:

  17. TLMitchell

    TLMitchell Birth of a Detailer

    +1 :thumb:

  18. hamza7

    hamza7 Welcome to Detailing

    How much were they and from where.
  19. TLMitchell

    TLMitchell Birth of a Detailer

    Got mine from Target when they discontinued them. IIRC they were around 5 bucks... it was quite a while ago. Didn't particularly care for them for drying but they're great for glass.

  20. brandon defeo

    brandon defeo DB Forum Supporter

    1Z glass cleaner and those new hi tech towels Phil sells!! I can now clean glass.... I have always sucked at it! Use 2 of those new towels and the 1z cleaner and you are in!

    If worried about getting it on the dash, wood, leather, or w.e just throw down a big towel on the interior or something. But the 1Z won't ruin them, actually cleans up the wood nicely... I purposely spray a bit on the wood in the Bentleys :)

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