I'm simply disgusted...

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by anbuzero, Aug 28, 2009.

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  1. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter

    thanks man that was an awesome response. I agree 100% with you, and also have mixed OTC products and exclusive products in my detailing collection. At the end of the day it comes down to what works for you and what you can trust.

    And yes this guy obviously is upset and confused about my post when it was simply an opinion concerning OTC, that i felt could be helpful for those who don't mind spending a little extra for quality. Like i stated before I am no longer posting my opinion in that thread, as well as anything other than my work, in that part of the forum.
  2. Ch40t1c

    Ch40t1c Obsessive Detailer

    That's probably best, they obviously don't have appreciation opinions that differ from their own and don't have the maturity to conduct themself in a professional manner. I love how we don't have those ignorant individuals here, makes for an awesome forum environment. Anyways, thanks for bringing this to our attention, it was a fun read :giggle:.
  3. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter

    I agree the Autopia members are IMO a bit harsh and the admins dont respond to emails. I posted up my work there and got reamed by one guy when what he was criticizing me about was something trivial and something I had addressed and explained in the post. I love the level of maturity and respect on this forum and consider this the only place where i can relax and get the right info from. Not to mention a lot of other forums that have a bunch of fakes putting up phony work and calling it theirs. So I want to give a big thanks to the DB community for being a great forum and to Carlos for being a great, and without a doubt, the best admin i have had the pleasure to work with.

    also I dont know if anyone has noticed but theres been a guest watching this post since i posted it. I wouldn't be surprised if its him, he is a regular lurker on this forum since he does state that in his post. If the guest is not him then I apologize to that guest for assuming.
  4. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    Never argue with an idiot. They’ll drag you down to their level, and then beat you with experience.
  5. Bob

    Bob Birth of a Detailer

    Too many, "It's my way or no way." attitudes out there.
  6. Nica

    Nica Banned

    :lol2: :lol2: that's funny but so, so true.

    To be honest guys, it's individuals like that that lead to the creating of Detailing Bliss. I remember when I started detailing and just getting my feet wet, I met great guys like Asphalt Rocket, richy, FMINUS, Detailers Domain, eShine, pirex..ect..ect..but I also was bashed around a few times, made fun of, ect..ect..ect so that's why around here I refuse to put up with such individuals. If we all just showed a little courtesy and respect the world would be a better place...well I may not be able to change the world but I treat the forum as my world and I'm glad all of you enjoy it and agree with my way of thinking, even if you don't agree with me I appreciate you respect the forum and it's community.

    Having said that, like I said recently, you do me no favors by holding a grudge on my behalf, so don't take the bashing personal, let it be show them your a better human being and simply walk a way. Like togwt says don't lower your self to their level, you'll never win in fact by lowering your self your showing your no better then the other person.

    We (the community) are all proud of what we have built, I say we because it truly is a group effort to create the environment you get here at Detailing Bliss. Don't let one person ruin it or bother you, just shrug it off and move on. Believe me this is not the first person or the last person to bash Detailing Bliss, there will be many, many others.
  7. Dsoto87

    Dsoto87 Jedi Nuba

    Aint that the truth. Theyre the walmart of the detailingworld. Taking over everything
  8. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    Are you talking about the guy that critized you for posting a detailing of your gf's jeep in the professional section (dirty white letters on the tires)? You know I got really upset at his comments even though you explained the entire situation.
  9. Bob

    Bob Birth of a Detailer

    It's not just that. It's the...$100 a month for advertising to $800 a month without notice. And it's the whole you never hear from them until they want to try and make a buck off of you. You can pay to advertise there but unless you are one of their $2000 per month advertisers it doesn't matter what you have to say. They're burning A LOT of bridges and I pray it bites them in the rear HARD.
  10. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter

    exactly that one lol i really didnt let it bother me that much as i know theres people out there who dont mean to be rude with their response, sometimes they just are. And theres also people who's intention is to bash others work to make themselves feel better. I find theres a clear difference between this forum and others. A perfect example of that would be how when i posted up that same detail here. Darkstar752 posted up suggesting a good tire cleaner i ended up trying and still use effectively today. On the autopia thread i had that guy say my he wouldnt post up half assed work in the pro section. When i can tell u ive seen worse and much less detailed writeups there. so there you go i dont let it bother me much but i see the obvious difference.

    Also togwt, "Never argue with an idiot. They’ll drag you down to their level, and then beat you with experience."
    One of my new favorite quotes
  11. Got Wax

    Got Wax Banned

    And, isn't it funny. he likely uses Dawn as his regular wash medium and dresses his leather, vinyl and rubber with Armor All!?

  12. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    I enjoyed the threads when bobby announced he was starting with a makita ... :shakehead:
  13. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    Jesus you scared me for a second, when you were talking about the guy criticizing the dirty whitewalls I thought it was me for a second, and I was just gonna say I was just try to help.

    I stopped going on Autopia, the final nail in the coffin was GoudyL if anyone remembers him, he just down talked me by saying that buffing wasn't necessary, and that claying got rid of swirls. A lot of people act like they are pro's with OTC products and no paint correction tools, and talk down on everyone, here you just get an honest, level headed opinion.

    Think about Autopia this way, as the ricers of the detailing community. They think they know everything, that they're the best, when really they are just using POS products and getting equal results. While they think they are the shit, the people who know what they are talking about just laugh at them. Don't get me wrong, they're some great people over there, like Bob and dsms, who are here also, but the majority of them don't know what's going on. Here at detailingbliss, you get honest answers. People that think they are the best don't like what they hear, so they downtalk us, even though we know we're not like that.

    Don't let it get to you bro, you know yourself and your family(which is what I consider DB, 2nd family) better than anyone. If you let them get to you, they win. I couldn't be happier with this site, awesome people, equal opinions, fun to be on. I don't care what other people say, this site is effing awesome. :mounty:
  14. getcha

    getcha Jedi Nuba

    Not to stir up the bucket but to play Devils advocate but Anbuzero if you're looking to not start conflict on other forums you shouldn't repost on another forum, as the net is small enough that arguments or whatever you want to call them are easily dragged over considering the niche hobby detailing is. DB well maintained by the mods here to eliminate argument and drama as its blanketed

    I am also an EvoM member and am pretty sure the OP in question there is a member here as well.

    One of the things about this detailing hobby/business/addiction is that many people may or may not be influenced by strong presence or mass appeal caused on other forums. Some very easily can have a change of heart regarding the products they stick by.

    Its tough discussing/arguing/mistaking "tone" on the internet. I read the whole thread objectively and I can see where the 2 of you may have crossed lines in "tone" because its just typed out words, not body language or vocal tone or anything to show true communication. What he may have typed may have been his strong opinion but because of the way someone reads it can come off as something completely unintentional.

    Catch my drift? :)

    EDIT: I am expressly taking no side on this just adding something for everyone to consider.
  15. Dsoto87

    Dsoto87 Jedi Nuba

    Wow, I always wondered why you stopped sponsoring. Man, thats just bad business though.

    Sorry to go off topic, but I do enjoy Autopia. It is a extremely great source of information. There are some jerks on there that think their **** dont stink but for everyone one of those theres 10 very helpful, very experienced people. Lately the dialog has gotten pretty boring on there. I find myself delving into the archives now reading old threads. Whenever Im about to make a purchase on a product ive yet to try I always search for it on there to see what others have to say. Ive done this with practically everything I own and so far Ive yet to be dissapointed.
  16. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    Apparently you are emailing the wrong mods cause I never got one from you and I am on the forum several times a day.
  17. SpecC

    SpecC Wax on..Wax off

    Correction, I got myself rotary, and now I AM A PRO :D

    hahahaha, i am kidding. I don't bother enlightening those people if they feel so strongly about their turtle wax. There's not a whole lot you can do against stubborn people like that.
  18. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    What a bunch of crap. What a pain. Peope like this make the internet a hassle for people like us, but also provide some good comedy at times.

    Not every OTC product is garbage. The store near me started carrying some of the smartwax line, the carry a few of the mirror glaze line products from meg's and they have cd2. So its cool, cause it does save me some money on shipping if I need something small like that.

    Like some of you have said, expensive isn't always the best, and everything that is cheap is not always junk. Meg's and Duragloss both make some good stuff that doesnt cost a lot. Hell, Menzerna might seem expensive to some, but It's still cheaper than some of the 3M stuff.

    I would just let the guy go. I never joined Autopia, and rarely ever post on AG, unless I'm looking for info on something they sell.

    Yes I do order from AG sometimes, because they might have something I want that nobody has in stock, or at all.

    Still a good read though, and some great responses as well.

    :agree: DB is like a second family, and some of you guys are like best friends, even though we may never meet in person :D
  19. Bob

    Bob Birth of a Detailer

    I don't think one post I've ever reported or emailed David B. about has ever been taken care of. It's just a matter of who pays the most gets away with the most.
  20. Bob

    Bob Birth of a Detailer

    You are correct. I know of people still using those old can of TW that require 400 pounds of pressure to remove and they'll take that to their grave. LOL
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