If you were to buy 3 top products...

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by daiges26, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. 604_Snooze

    604_Snooze Obsessive Detailer

    Soap- DG901, bucket/grit guard/mitt/drying towel

    Detergent- Meguiars APC+ or Optimum powerclean

    wax/sealant- Menzerna powerlock or collnite 845 or Duragloss 501, Optimum spray wax is easier to apply but won't last as long as the ones I mention

    dressing- Meguiars hyper dressing or carpro perl

    You also need towel, applicator pad and wheel brush.

    You should be able to buy a combination of the above with less than $150 spent
  2. piginapoke

    piginapoke Obsessive Detailer

  3. Jumbo Jet

    Jumbo Jet Jedi Nuba

    Einszettes Cockpit Premium
    Menzerna SIP 1500
    Zaino Z2
  4. Chaseme

    Chaseme DB Forum Supporter

  5. piginapoke

    piginapoke Obsessive Detailer

    Really your not going to be able to do it all with just three, ten maybe but not three.

    Zep Citrus, Sonax wheel cleaner, clay and lube, Megs d300 and a Microfiber pad, Optimum Opticoat 2, Stoner Glass Cleaner, Cockpit premium and Optimum Tire Dressing

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