I hate the new format...

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by agentf1, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. kyoshiro

    kyoshiro DB Forum Supporter

    But we're all your friend slang!
  2. DB Boss

    DB Boss DB representative

    richy is this better now?
  3. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    getting better....
  4. HeavyD

    HeavyD DB Forum Supporter

    I agree. Phil I'll give you 20$ for (10) XL of the old shirts just so you can get rid of them for the new design.LOL
    Back on topic. I dont mind the new set up. We are all creatures of habit and anything new is initially bad. Give it time fellas itll all come together.Could be worse, we could have a DB Boss that doesnt give a shit and provide a half ass site and shitty customer service at his store. We ALL know thats NOT the case here. Thanks Phil!
  5. Bunky

    Bunky DB Forum Supporter

    The Mark all read or thread read seems to be missing.
  6. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    Looks like Phil and crew are getting all the "Details" handled, the hompage looks very upscale now and look nice, only gripe is you cannot change the font or size of the font yet but I am sure that capability is coming.

    TWISTER Web Guy

    use the drop down under forum actions

    TWISTER Web Guy

    you can always adjust the font sizes via your keyboard. Every browser supports this

    TWISTER Web Guy

    under quick links there is a "open contacts popup"
  10. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    I just made it bigger via Firefox. View...Zoom In. Makes the forum perfect.
  11. detaildoc

    detaildoc DB Forum Supporter

    Animated avatars still not working.
  12. detaildoc

    detaildoc DB Forum Supporter

    Hey Phil (and everyone else), what do you think about listing only the most recent post to a thread on the homepage (like we had before the changes) as opposed to listing a bunch of recent posts to the exact same thread, which is kind of redundant? By clicking on that recent post or thread we still end up having access to all the posts in that thread anyway while having quicker access to more threads that have a recent post in it.
  13. Bunky

    Bunky DB Forum Supporter

    I was sure the thread tools/forum actions etc was visible when you were looking at new posts view but it is not there.
  14. agentf1

    agentf1 Jedi Nuba

    Yes, I agree. I always liked that format as it was easy to see the latest post and what is going on. Seems senseless t have the same thread listed more than once in that section.
  15. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    I'm extremely lost at what you guys are asking for probably because I never used the functions.

    On the home page......

    you want recent posts that's what's up there no?

    Detailing Bliss Forum - News
  16. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    Well, after messing around and searching for a while, I figured out how to clean up the home/forum page and it's a lot cleaner now that I've hidden everything I didn't like :p I'm still not crazy about the new logo which is just too simple and lacking a car behind it in my opinion, but that isn't really my business. I mean, I wouldn't like customers telling me my logo should be a certain way or what not :p

    As for other things, this is my only suggestion:

    The "Thanks", "report", "reply", "reply with quote" and "multi" buttons should be like the old forum. An actual button of different color IN the text box, not part of the outline bar. They should all be on one side too, not split ("thanks" and "report" on the left and the rest on the right) and I would change the "Reply With Quote" simply to "Reply" and the symbol used for MULTI to the actual words "Multi-Quote" That would just make things simpler and clearer in posts.
  17. Max405

    Max405 DB Forum Supporter

    Weather.. Nice.
    Thanks to DBliss, I just found out it will be around 60 deg in Atlantic City Wed, Thurs, Fri. later this week. I am happy. Thank you Phil.

    Joe D.
  18. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    After reading through this thread I am starting to laugh. We change one thing and then someone else says they want it changed back to something else. As I stated in my previous thread I really don't think people understand what goes into changing the forum around to a new format or some of the costs involved.

    You are not going to please every single person on the forum. Some like it the way it was. Some like the way it is now.

    Personally I like the new logo. It is something new and different from the previous owner.

    NWS=.No Win Situation...:shead:
  19. agpatel

    agpatel OD On Detailing

    I agree, most of the little things are not a huge deal...looks/logo/if there are new threads on home page done make the difference in content.

    Also, it is just as easy to click new post on top to get ALL the new post instead of just the 10 or so that use to show up...

    It is what it is use it or dont but the content which is why everyone is here for is still the same and has been...if it just really bothers you that much and hate the new look that much then don't come here...simple eh?
  20. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    still working on this, I would say this went extremely smooth minus the lost members. they are slowly coming back and signing on, I'm extremely sorry about that.

    about 95% of the issues are now taken care of.

    if you noticed the fonts are bigger, the site is no longer fixed so its wide screen friendly.

    currently we can not put the thanks and the other icons back in, this is fixed as of right now via VBulletin.

    working on the header photo.

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