How to apply Wolf's nano sealants videos!!

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by Wolfs Chemicals, Jul 24, 2011.

  1. dfazekas

    dfazekas Birth of a Detailer

    Its very different fromt Opticoat. Opticoat isn't a nano sealant, for one thing.
    And Opticoat is one of the most durable sealants out there. There're tons
    of threads floating around on various forums about its composition and how
    it differs from other sealants. If you're really curious to know the difference I
    can PM you some links.

    And opticoat isn't the only permanent one out there. There's at least one more
    that I know of floating around.

    Body wrap doesn't have the lifespan of Opticoat, but where it excels over
    Opticoat is in the looks department. On certain paints, it just pops. One of my
    customers watched me put it on his M5 and asked how I was making the paint
    look so wet :)

    I haven't had a chance to compare Body Wrap to Nitro Seal yet (which to my
    understanding looks just as good and is a bit more durable. I have a car lined up
    for a NS job some time soon, so I'll be able to report back after I do that one),
    but as of right now I'd say Body Wrap is one of the best sealants I've ever used.
    Not to mention the fact that Jesse may be one of the most helpful, easy to
    contact people in the industry...

    I really like this product.
  2. Wolfs Chemicals

    Wolfs Chemicals DB Certified Manufacturer

    :) Thanks for the feedback buddy :) Glad you like our baby!
  3. Wolfs Chemicals

    Wolfs Chemicals DB Certified Manufacturer

    Hi Alex and others!

    OK so I have tried it with a small spray bottle and it works quite well! Honestly I couldn't see a real advantage over using a spray bottle and the bottle it comes in other than being easier to dispense. I didn't notice that it went on more evenly or anything like that, but yes it was nice to be able to just squirt it on to the applicator instead of dripping it on!

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