hobby to business...

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by DetailnDude, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. DC5Berry

    DC5Berry Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Wow, that's awesome progress! Could you tell me what lighting you have up there?
  2. ScottieB

    ScottieB Jedi Nuba

    I didn't think about the resale value, sorry. I hope I didn't offend.
  3. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    Thanks ! I was going to do recessed lighting then I ran out of time. so I am going to have rows of Flouresents which I will post as I go until finished..

    No you didn't offend me at all, and I apologize if it seemed like a snappy response. I always am open to suggestions and ideas ! They are going to be here in just a few minutes to sand texture so I will have more pics tonight. :cheers:
  4. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    The hard part is almost done ! Gotta prime and paint over the next 2 days ...pheww









  5. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    aaahhhhh getting so close !!! Got Lucky my Detail lined up for tomorrow had to back out for a week... lucky me ! This is my 4 year old boy he wanted to paint and this is his first time with a paint roller. He stayed in the lines pretty good for a first timer... Some of you are probably saying oh no what is he doing with those colors and some of you might be saying that's pretty cool !! either way is fine, I have to work in it and it is already a fun atmosphere for me.... I do have to clean up the edges tomorrow with a brush then I'll share some more pics..







  6. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    in case any one is trying to figure out my boys wardrobe it's definately odd. We put an old shirt of some kind over his sweatshirt and he only had good shoes so we tied some plastic around his new socks... don't ask....lol I don't have a quality answer
  7. Nica

    Nica Banned

    That's so cool...lol..hey didn't you teach your little boy to stay between the lines...lol..just teasing, looks like your little boy had a blast :thumb:
  8. SSTG

    SSTG DB Forum Supporter

    I'm kinda feeling it. I think I would have made the pink...yellow (would brighten it up more). But I like the theme,kinda reminds me of water (looks like waves) good for a detail studio. It's definatley "FUN".
  9. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    I was going to use yellow or a bright orange then chose the Pinkish Mauve color to match my Business logo and the yellow and orange might not be totaly out of the question yet. I am just sick of working on the garage..lol especially painting.. I was trying to get a water feel to go with the tropical theme I am after. In Iowa, Tropical themes attract people. So Far it looks fun but I need to get away from the work part cuz it's not that much fun anymore....lol

    LOL Yes I told him to stay in the line the best he could but that is the biggest marker he has ever used..lol It was fun watching him have fun that's what matters ... but he sure gave me some extra work. in about an hour he get's to go to his first swimming lesson.... gotta run See ya !

    Here it is after removing the tape lines and some touch up,but I am still not done...lol






  10. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Thats gonna be a great place to work when its done!
  11. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Looking good...That must have been really fun to have all that help painting...Way to go...May I ask, Where did you get the halogen lights w/the short yellow tri-pod...Thanks...:thumb:
  12. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    I got those little lights at Home Depot and they were only $18. they are handy when working around the lower half of a car..
  13. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    I beleive your right ! It will be fun ! It's what it takes to get there is a burn out... My Kids love the colors they want to hang out in Dad's garage...
  14. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Maybe it will turn out to be a detailing family affair...Thats nice...:thumb:
  15. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    I can only hope and work my hardest to make it a sizeable successful business..
  16. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    You're already doing that...From what I've seen from this thread and what I've heard about you...You're are on your way... But just in case Good luck...:thumb:
  17. 68Stang

    68Stang Birth of a Detailer

    I haven't checked this thread in a while... It sure is coming along nicely! Good job! One question, after the paint cures, what LSP are you going to go with? :p
  18. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    lol probably whatever platters on it...he he. Our weather just got cold again so I haven't done anything. I need a couple nice days to empty the garage and start peicing it back together. the floor epoxy will be the same blue as the lower wall to look as if it's water. but I have to wait for more predictable temps.
  19. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer













  20. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    Still have some arranging to do. I have to clean out he crack in the garage floor and fill then it's going to be the same blue as the lower wall color in epoxy....got backed up trying to get he garage done ...busy busy busy



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