hobby to business...

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by DetailnDude, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    It is a hassle but what I did is made 2 piles 1 with stuff I haven't used in a year that really held no honest value (trash) then another pile of keepers then I split the keeper pile and had a tough time getting rid of some stuff but once it loaded on the garbage truck it was a releif I cannot even explain. I still have some things to go but It's nice knowing exactly what I have now. As for the fender I am not sure if your talking about the black hood or the Nose wing off of the Sprint Car.

    Yes I do a little PDR. It's tricky and I am kinda slow at this point . I can remove dents it just takes me a while. I'll get faster. Very profitable add on once I get rockin with it. easily add $100 - $200 on to a detail depending on the amount of dents. You do any PDR?
  2. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    I also meant to respond to your racing. Road Racing has got to be quite and experience ! Good Luck if you renew your license !
  3. SSTG

    SSTG DB Forum Supporter

    Progress? Pics?

    MWAUTOPRO Jedi Nuba

    I have not started doing PDR yet. I have just been doing a lot of research on the PDR industry and have been toying with the idea of taking a course. Did you take any courses or are you learning on your own?
  5. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    Looks good man. I want to get into PDR I was looking at courses from a few different places, maybe one day
  6. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    I took a course because locally the only people who want to teach you also want you to sign a contract deal that I will not do PDR within 100 miles of the city limits for 10 years.. I had to laugh. So I went to Rightlook.com for PDR training I don't use any of there products but the Training course was Awesome. It was just me and a Guy form the Mercedes-Benz of San Diego and myself in the class . it was 7 days and our instructor was not in for the money he made suer we knew what we were doing before advancing us. You will get Pissed off at PDR. Those itty bitty dents kick your butt until you figure out where your tool is. I could go on and on. They also designed my Logo with my help several revisions and it kicks rears IMO. they also made me 1000 B-cards and my website will be up next month. They are also making my shirts . I alos figured if I had to go somewhere in December from Iowa . San Diego sounded alright.. lol

    as I mentioned above what I liked was the personal time you got with the instructor whom is quite a PDR stud. they will not have more than 5 people per class I believe. I can tell you this if your a detailer and you take out 1 dent per car at a low price of $50 and do 5 a week you got $250 extra for the week and when you figure how this thing works it only takes 5 to 10 minutes to make that $50 now remember that retail dents are more like $80-$200 for even small dents.. I personally know a guy who chases hail storms and he's pulling over a $100 G's a year he only works about 4-6 months a year. needless top say I am a bit slow and am pretty new to PDR. It's Tricky business getting started.

    Been a little backed up with electrical work moving things around and adding outlets etc. here is where I am at . I did move the outlets into the wall and moved my light switch from behind the door to easy reach spot. we had some unused breakers in the garage box so I had him hook up my retractable extension cord to it's own 20 amp for use of my Extractor and shop vac etc. Tomorrow I plan to have the ceiling drywall hung and get the taping finishing close to done . Tuesday plan to finish the finishing and texture . Wednesday plan to paint ...lol somewhere in there hopefully a nap and a bite to eat...
    I'll post more tomorrow most likely..




  7. SSTG

    SSTG DB Forum Supporter

    Looking good Bro. Thanks for the update.
  8. Cyclo

    Cyclo Birth of a Detailer

    Ahhh, now it's looking good. Think I also saw the cable TV drop too. This is gonna turn into the man cave. Have you thought about insulation for your attic? You might have 2 choices as it stands.. one would be to unroll and staple up fiberglass insulation right before you lift the dry wall to the ceiling. The other would be after it's up, you will have to lay it from the top down or blow in cellulose. I'd consider insulating it for the comfort factor in winter and summer. You can never save enough on those bills.

    Wide screen TV and a couch?
  9. 68Stang

    68Stang Birth of a Detailer

    What about a stripper pole?
  10. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    I'm getting there ..lol I got 3 days to have it done! I'm getting burnt out. Yes I have Dish in the garage. I will be adding AC in a couple months. as for attic insulation I will proabably not do any because I keep all my Holiday decor up there. That is is another whole subject. Let's just say I am scared a plane is going to mistake my house for the airport. I will be adding a drop ladder. I will not have my epoxy on the floor needless to say by Thursday but I have to have everything else done. I am going to run out and grab like a 26 in flat screen for TV instead of my 10 year old 13 inch vcr/ tv combo... and Yes to the saving money. at this point I am about out of "Savings"

    It's funny you say that. I am not going to go into depth on this , I'll let you create your own image of my past situation. A buddy of mine and I had a Body shop and Detail shop for about 2 years . we were untouchable he still today is the best Candy painter I have ever seen. anyway I knew a lot of people from all walks of life and I liked to party with some big money people. After building several extreme Lowriders ranging from stripping down brand new BMW'S to a Brand new Mustang GT to a 68 Impala and turning them into extreme show machines.(these were all legal cars not stolen.The money they were bought with I am not going there) we began to hang with these guys (who had a lot of girls and other things) Our shop slowly turned into an after hours night club with anything we wanted at no price. we just used our shop. We were out of business after about 6 months of that. not neccesarliy because of money or laziness but because we knew we were headed for disaster and that was the only way this would go away.we were pretty young. so last August I decided to restart my business at the detail end. Appearantly nobody in town forgot who I was it spread quicky and still is. I am a little older and wiser now so on with the new chapter of life. anyway I hope that sums it up and there is probably not going to be a stripper pole..... been there done that..lol
    I will try to contact my buddy we haven't even seen each other in 7 or 8 years. I'll see if I can't find some pictures of some of those cars. They were the definition of sick !
  11. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    Well I had to reschedule the Denali. My 6 day project has been extended . Some of you are probably thinking "I knew that was coming" lol. once I got started I just realized how many changes I wanted then after hanging one sheet of drywall on the ceiling I was done. I hired a couple buddies to hook me up . They wiil be back Thursday to finish hanging the ceiling and then a day or 2 next week to finish tape/texture. So i won't have any more updates until thursday night. If your not a drywaller stay away from doing your ceilings yourself.. what a headache. they probably aren't as bad on new construction than remodels
    anyway Take care !



  12. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    here we are now..........





  13. SSTG

    SSTG DB Forum Supporter

    Looking good bro.
  14. michakaveli

    michakaveli Welcome to Detailing

    Movin' on up!
  15. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    Thanks I am starting to see the light...lol

    Thanks I am sure trying to move up ! I ahve never wanted something done as bad as this. it would have been a fairly quick project but my drywall have to work around their drywall jobs so its hit and miss. They are coming back monday to tape and then Thursday to texture . That's the plan as of now...As much time as I am used to spending out there I am starting to have garage withdrawls ...lol
  16. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer








  17. Showroom Shine

    Showroom Shine Birth of a Detailer

    Where you going to put the car?
  18. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    Well right now I don't have any cars.. Come the next Wednesday the car will be right where all my other stuff is. I sure can't wait......I am ready to have my shop back!
  19. ScottieB

    ScottieB Jedi Nuba

    Just going to throw out my 2 cents. I would not put up texture. You will want the most light refection you can get. Keep it smooth and paint with the brightest white you can find. It will help out a ton.
    Your mileage may very!!
  20. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    Thanks ScottieB,
    I have already made up my mind. It will be textured and have a few bright colors on the walls. not 100% on exact shade and brightness but I know I won't use any dark colors.
    The texture will also help will resale of the property. which will hopefully happen in a year or so.

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