hobby to business...

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by DetailnDude, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Thanks for the update. Things are comming along nicely. You got alot farther than I thought you would get. Keep up the good work...:thumb:
  2. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    That is what I should do. It would look a lot nicer. I guess all i have to do is kill the power and take the wiring out of the conduit 'sp' and drill holes through the studs and add boxes with new outlets? or do I need to run the conduit through the walls as well?. one thing that needs to be understood is I have 6 days to get this done. I'll keep plugging away and see what all I can pull off. It's not too late yet for changes.. If you or anyone has ideas shoot em my way I am very open minded and I invite positive critisism if neccesary.
    Thanks !
  3. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    I actually got further than I thought I was going to as well. I'll have more pictures tomorrow night. I think I am going to try to get the walls taped then figure out what buddies want to have a drywall ceiling hanging party...lol
  4. Cyclo

    Cyclo Birth of a Detailer

    It's too late.. unless you used drywalls SCREWS. Didn't you say you have an Electrician friend coming? It will now cost you time and money to do it in the walls.. 6 days isn't enough. No conduit isn't needed inside walls by code, but you still should maintain code anyways.

    You'd have to take down the drywall and you'll have holes to plug and fill where old nails were if you don't damage the sheetrock, or repurchase new drywall. Yes of course you'd drill holes in the studs.. just like in the one wall you have seen.

    Here is one quick hint, OK 2.... once your done taping and sanding, you want a SHELLAC sealer on top of the drywall. KILLZ is a good product. And on the ceiling, you can get 5 gallon bucket's of texture.. mix in one gallon of Killz with it and get a texture roller, and spread it on your ceiling. You mix it with a big beater on a drill. It will give it what I think they call a popcorn effect. It makes a nice ceiling and you don't have to worry as much with sanding after you've taped the joints.

    But you would have had to plan ahead to run the wire in the studs. BTW. It's always better to go with at least 12 ga. wire vs. 14. Just one motor pulling 15 amp. will blow a common circuit that is usually set aside for a garage. Try to make sure it's on a 20 amp. Have him change it out if the wiring can support it. I've felt 14 ga. wire after a 15 amp. motor has been running and the wire can get warm.
  5. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    I did use drywall screws so it takes less than 2 minutes to take a sheet down. as for planning ahead all I am trying to do is make it look nice instead of like an old garage. I might just leave it alone exept moving a switch and having my buddy check the wall with the wire coming in the wall (exterior outlet) and the interior wiring in that area. I looked at it and there is nothing loose or wire showing everything seems to be connected well just not mounted up against the wall. it is a 20 amp to the garage but he is going to see what it would take to get a better gauge wire and bigger breaker out there. or however that is done in electrician terms....
  6. 68Stang

    68Stang Birth of a Detailer

    Hurry up! I want finished project pics! lol
  7. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    I like the "Perk's Auto Spa" "sign" on the wall. :D

    Coming along nicely! I need a whole new garage before I think about insulating/drywall/paint etc.
  8. SSTG

    SSTG DB Forum Supporter

    It's not a big deal to do,don't worry. Just make sure you match the 20 amp service with 20 amp outlets.
    And I totally understand wanting to get the project done.
  9. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    I am going as fast as I can LOL ! now the whole project just got bumped a bit because the electrician just left and said he would be back Saturday. so taping certain areas just went on hold....

    It wouldn't be so bad had it all been done with the original build, but that wasn't the case.

    My Buddy said there isn't any major worry's in my garage he has a couple changes we are going to make which will also elimanate my breakers kicking off when my extractor and furnace are running. Get my AC soon....ahhhh

    most of you will probably be in disbelief with my paint colors ..... I have a taste for bright colors(not neon) Let's just say my customers will never in there life forget Perk's Auto Spa... he he.... very soon.....very soon
  10. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    Kinda off the topic of the garage but if anyone is into racing. in my first batch of pictures, if you look at the last picture to the right of the tv is a picture of me an AJ Foyt at his garage in Gasoline Alley at the 1997 Indy 500. My dad raced against him and many others in the late 60's early 70's.. We were actually there because we were invited by Lee Kunzman the crew cheif of 1996 Indy 500 winner Buddy Lazier. it was a fun weekend to say the least. just a little fun fact...
  11. SSTG

    SSTG DB Forum Supporter

    My friends tell me my house is a crayon box. I love bright (not pastel) colors.
  12. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Big race fan here. I used to be big into open wheel but I can't keep up with everything so NASCAR is my favorite and if I can sqeeze in somemore then great...:thumb:

    Sprint cup and Nationwide series...If you ever need to talk I'm here for you...:thumb:
  13. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    Yes that is me too. I don't know if I ever posted my First Lowrider I built but it was a 1986 mazda and it was pink purple blue and green all rich bright colors. I can still remember at least 2 accidents that truck caused distracting drivers between the colors and the Hydraulics it was wild!

    Ya I like NASCAR a little bit but not big on it. I do Like Tony Stewart and I know I am getting some boo's right now but as far as I am concerened for overall racing he is the best racecar driver in the world now and for the past decade almost. I have met him a few times . He had Danny Lasoski driving Outlaw sprinters a few years back and My Dad raced with Danny's uncle Tom Corbin. it's a small world with racing and my family . I don't know if you are a Jeff Gordon fan but he drove for the same guy my dad did in Sprint cars . Jeff was like 14 or 15 and Bob Trostle took him to Australia to drive because they would not let him drive in the US at that age in a full blown sprinter. Well i better stop talikng racing..lol it will never end. Oh I guess I could share one more thing. when Sprint Car racing was being intrduced to France 1972 (? I think) in a Magazine called Champion My dad was on the front cover. The picture was taken in Tampa,Florida anyway better Run...........lol
  14. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    not much to post today because I started backtracking a bit. I did finishe the wall insulation though. Saturday My Electric Buddy is going to take care of some minor things and add me a little more juice in the right places. I'll post pics when we get done with that ...6 day project OH NO... I have a Yukon Denali coming the 18th and my garage is trashed ..lol
  15. mb43

    mb43 Obsessive Detailer

    Can't wait to see it done.
  16. DJ_JonnyV

    DJ_JonnyV DB Forum Supporter

    Looks great with the exception of some certain political persuasion stickers/signs hanging up!!!
  17. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    LOL That will all be gone...... I am saving the yard sign and some things I have for my kids. Historical reasons obviously... Thanks for the compliment !
  18. DetailnDude

    DetailnDude Birth of a Detailer

    You and Me both brother ! lol I am already getting burnt out but it's just one of those things thats gotta be done.....
  19. krshultz

    krshultz Nuba Guru

    I'm going to need to do something like this to my own garage. It's just such a hassle, since it's so full of "stuff." But, I need to do it. Later this year, maybe.

    I was going to ask you about the racing stuff myself, since I noticed a fender in one of the pictures. I road raced for several years, but let my license expire in 2008.

    MWAUTOPRO Jedi Nuba

    part time pdr? just noticed the tools.

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