highline meter vs PosiTest DFT

Discussion in 'Tools - Machine Polishers, Pressure Washers, Detai' started by M_1313, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. DBeamish

    DBeamish Virgin Detailer

    The resolution of an instrument is the smallest increment it displays. If a gage has a resolution of 13 microns (0.5 mil) then it might measure 82 microns of paint as 70 or 93 microns (3.2mils will read either 3.0 or 3.5).

    In this example, buff a few microns off (hardly anything) and the gage might suddenly jump from 93 to read 70 microns.

    Now take 15 more microns of clear coat off (lots) and the gage might continue to read 70!

    Thirteen microns of spread might be good for a rough estimate, but dangerous if you only want to remove a FEW MICRONS of clear coat when polishing.

    There are many cheap paint meters out there. But remember, the detailing industry requires fine measuring resolution to carefully remove a minimum amount of clear coat. Removing in increments of 0.1 mil (0.0001") is typical. Therefore you want a paint meter with a minimum 3% accuracy and a 0.1 mil (2 micron) measuring resolution.

    Accuracy is even MORE important in determining PTG quality. For more definitions see... PTG Measurement Terms

    Hope this helps!
  2. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Great explination there DBeamish :thumb:
  3. advs1

    advs1 DB Forum Supporter

    ok i have a question, does any meter on the market give separated readings for color/clear coat readings? i can see the use for a meter, but more for over all thickness associated with filler for body work. i want one that tells me how much clear and not just how much total material.
  4. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well there is the PosiTector 200 Advanced, it has the ability to give you three separate readings, meaning three layers but there are a few factors to take into consideration. First, was the vehicle properly painted. Meaning, was each coat properly let to dry. Now a days most vehicles are not cured properly or not fully cured before another coat is applied this will cause the PosiTector 200 to miss read the different layers. Now the other catch is that the PositTector 200 is only for non-ferros metals meaning plastics, fiberglass ect..ect. So on metal or Aluminum the PosiTector 200 will not work properly. The other thing to consider is the price, the PosiTector 200 is not cheap at all.

    I know there is a paint gauge that will take readings on metals and aluminum and it will take each individual layer like the PosiTector 200 but it's really not a cheap gauge. If I remember correctly it was in the $10k price range, so I didn't pursue it any more and went with PosiTector 6000 and PosiTector 200. For the price you get two great paint gauges, the PosiTector 6000 wont give you individual layers but it has other features that are quite nice....well just my :2cents: though.

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