Highline II Review

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by Reflect, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    if somebody in area had one i would have borrowed it

    it would be usefull after friday, its just i would rather get it before then. now i can start looking for used one or something

    over $10 they lost sale, you think its good customer service from their side? if i argued with customer over $10 on 200 sale, i would have been fired. especialy if it was first time shopped, just imagine experience of that customer and what he would say about comapny if somebody asked
  2. carcat

    carcat Virgin Detailer

    So, are you just going to be using it ONE-TIME only? Or are you going to need it as a tool for your professional detailing business ?

    You seem to be flip-flopping on what you say - First you said this;

    And then now you say this;

    I hope that you are not one of those people who abuses any company's return policy, by using a product for a weekend just for ONE-TIME and then returning it for a refund.

    I used to have a friend who goes to Best Buy and buy a big-screen TV just for a SuperBowl party, then take it back to the store to return it after the event. Needless to say, we're no longer friends because he is the kind of person that is only your friend when he needs something. :shakehead:
  3. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    no not one of those ppl
    couse this weekend im helping friend with detailing ferrari, so it would be nice to have it before then, we were thinking about getting one and this weekend would have been very useful, after this weekend would have used it for rest of cars we do

    we are gona split money between us to pay for it and i was gona get it this weekend even though he cant pay me till next week, i guess we gona get one when he is ready
  4. Got Wax

    Got Wax Banned

    Marc at Auto Lav and I just recently had a lengthy conversation about this meter. Sounds like a great product!! Wish I had known about them before I sprung for the Defeskos!!!
  5. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    still not in good mood.

    i dont care if i have to pay and then get paid back. id use gauge myself if he didnt pay back. or at least use it for job that im gona do. sure id use it for ferrari with him but after that, before i get paid back i would not use it.
  6. invaderzim

    invaderzim Jedi Nuba

    I've thought of getting one for that purpose. Even when shopping for new cars they can have some repaint work on them without the dealer telling you about it. But especially for used cars.
  7. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter

    I bought mine a few months ago and i love it. makes me feel a lot better when having to polish a car whos history i dont know.
  8. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    sent email to them this morning, VP called me a min ago and said my order will be shipped today. cant wait to test it on my car, i guess ill have it weds. will have to come to work to pick it up probably. or just wait till Thursday to get it and use it Friday
  9. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru

    I'm getting one of these for sure!

    Thanks Kyle!
  10. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    got mine today. after calibrating it. test strips reading come within 3 microns of actually number on the strip. pretty good. before calibration it was like 10-20 microns i was WTF lol. cant wait to try it on my car
  11. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    used it couple times. needs to be calibrated. wierd thing is that on 100micron test thing it reads 132. on all other once its within 3-4 microns, go figure. but its nice to use. takes a lot of guess work out

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