Hammered Black Z06 Corvette Brought Back to Life!!

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by Rickrack, Mar 30, 2009.

  1. Racer

    Racer Birth of a Detailer

    Great work
  2. bentley147

    bentley147 Jedi Nuba

    damn that corvette was messed up it didn't look like u had to compound ,but i guess u did very good job !!!
  3. Rickrack

    Rickrack DB Pro Supporter

    Thanks again everyone!
  4. HomeChicken

    HomeChicken Two Bucket System Washer

    awesome turn around! I can't believe such a new car was in this state. Did you find the black corvette paint to be fairly hard?
  5. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Oh, I thought you were using something totally different than the MS Tuf-Buf's, hehe. Yeah, I picked up a couple quite some time ago and I fell in love with them, LoL. Like you said, they're exactly the reason why I don't like my Edge pads anymore. The Tuf-Bufs are so forgiving and make working with any compound a breeze.

    Yeah, I'm pretty tired of all the crap and filler at the 'other' site. This forum is full of genuine people and you'll have no reason to look back. :)

    Now that I think of it, I need to pick up a few more MS TB's... hmm... maybe like a dozen... :thinking:
  6. Paint Protection Orlando

    Paint Protection Orlando Detailers Advertising Scheme

    Amazing turnaround!
  7. ScottieB

    ScottieB Jedi Nuba

    She looks amazing!!

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