I was just at Big Lots getting some more Turtle Wax foam applicators and MFs and a pallet rolled of the truck with some new Karchers, both the gas powered models and some very small portable ones. I believe the price was $288 on the gas powered ones and $65 on the handheld model.
That's what I thought as well! Looks like a good deal if anyone is looking for one, these come with the Honda engines!!!
The gas powered one is actually 2500 PSI and it retaisl for about $370 I think. The little one retails for $114 and is 1400 PSI... Both could be excellent!!!
If we are going to make it worth our while we should send a pallet of them and make some money if the numbers make sense - I dont know how much $ shipping would be.
Once per month Sears will have a sale on their Honda/Craftsman 2500 PSI for 299 (normally 349). A Sears salesman told me this and it has remained consistant per ads. This unit is on par with the Karcher/Honda 300 PSI at Costco for 299. Both good.
Best thing about Sears is you can go and buy it now, watch for it to come on sale and when it does you go in with your reciept and you will get the sale price.